New High THC Strain Hits the Uruguayan Market
On July 12, 2012, Uruguayan President José Mujica declared his intent to legalise cannabis for recreational use. Uruguay was the first country worldwide to officially legalise cannabis, which at that point was only "tolerated" in the Netherlands. Legalisation was passed on December 11, 2013, and legal sales finally began in 2017.
The new legislation is however very restrictive. Cannabis planned for recreational use is sold in pharmacies. It is also possible to be a member of a cannabis club. Cannabis users must be registered with the government and cannot buy more than 10 grams per week. It is also permittable to grow up to 3 plants at home.
The first strain of legal cannabis in Uruguay contained only 2% THC. Other stronger strains have been released since including The Beta strain, which contains up to 9% THC and the Gamma strain, launched in December 2022 which contains up to 15% THC.
The Epsilon strain
Epsilon is a new sativa-dominant hybrid strain that contains up to 20% THC and has been available for Uruguayan recreational users since October 15. Epsilon is sold for 570 Uruguayan pesos (12.6 euros) for 5 grams.
Epsilon, the fourth strain of legal cannabis in Uruguay is intended for consumers looking for a harder hotting more potent strain. It can contain up to 20% THC and less than 1% CBD. The goal is to offer a stronger strain in an attempt to combat the black market of cannabis.
 "After several years of analysis and work, a new strain will be available in pharmacies that are part of the cannabis distribution network on October 15, joining the three already marketed". - Regulatory and control institute, IRCCA
Legal cannabis in Uruguay
Uruguay is a small country of 3.4 million inhabitants and the consumption of legal or illegal cannabis only concerns a few hundred thousand people.
A total of 40 pharmacies supply 71,843 registered customers. 410 cannabis clubs with 13,687 members cultivate and distribute cannabis in Uruguay. According to officila figures there are 11,708 domestic growers.
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