When is the Best Time to Grow Weed Outdoors?
Outdoor cannabis needs warm weather, average humidity, and 12 hours of sunlight daily for at least 16 consecutive weeks to flower and dry out properly for Harvest. Sativa strains are known to have a more extended growing period than indices, so growing them outdoors is only possible at exact times of the year.
The "weed season" is generally between early spring and late fall. However, always check what your strain needs, as different varieties require different conditions.
Here are some tips if you are considering growing outdoors
Germinate Seeds Indoors
The best time to germinate cannabis seeds is between March and May; use rock wool cubes for a sturdy medium that can withstand outdoor conditions, but do it in a grow tent to ensure the seedlings receive optimum conditions for growth. Transplant the seedlings outdoors when they are a foot tall and have a better chance of adapting and thriving in their new environment.
Use Pots
Cannabis requires daytime temps between 70-85 degrees Fahrenheit to facilitate photosynthesis comfortably. Weather patterns, however, can be unpredictable, primarily when fall occurs early. The Summer heat, when escorted by low levels of humidity, can cause extreme dehydration that can be fatal to young crops.
Portable growing pots allow you to bring plants indoors when outdoor conditions become unfavourable temporarily. Fabric pots are a great choice to ensure your plants are portable on cold nights. Adverse weather can stop the roots from soaking nutrients, causing deficiencies and malnourishment.
As the plants move from seedlings into vegetative states, the nutrient demand rises unfailingly. New branches and leaves will require spontaneous increases in nutrient uptake, leading many to add manure to their soil weekly. Feeding the plants correctly produces healthy branches that adapt well to stress training.
Check For Pests, deficiencies and diseases.
Get into a habit of regularly inspecting your crops for any signs of disease, unwanted visitors or hermaphrodite and male plants. All of which will directly affect your yields in different ways. Daily inspection is crucial to create a reliable and accurate grow journal.
Create A Grow Journal
A grow journal will help you conquer your production skillfulness by providing a holistic data database that will serve as a future authority. You can log information such as how each strain reacts to nutrients during the vegetative or flowering stages and guide you in choosing the best nutrient mix for your crops.
How about growing later in the season?
This all depends on whether you're growing auto-flowering or photoperiod strains. Autoflower plants can germinate early in July and enjoy a respectable harvest in the first few weeks of October. However, for this to occur, the weather must be facilitative regarding humidity and temperature. If not, then the intensity of the summer heat can harshly dehydrate crops.
Photoperiod plants, however, require a high level of light to assist them in maturing into adults that can then flower as per the grower's anticipations. Starting photoperiod strains in the summer can result in poor yields. This is because the shifts in natural light cycles lead to poorly formed cannabinoids.
For more on this topic at Soft Secrets:
Starting Your Outdoor Grow, Indoors!
When to harvest outdoor cannabis plants
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