University Publishes Cannabis Actions on Prostate Cancer

Soft Secrets
16 Jan 2012

Madrid University has found cannabis to have properties which point to it as a miracle cure for prostate cancer.

Madrid University has found cannabis to have properties which point to it as a miracle cure for prostate cancer.

In a research document published by the US National Library of Medicine its been claimed that 'Cannabinoids, their receptors and their metabolizing enzymes are emerging as a new regulatory system' in the battle against the disease.

The research illustrates how the human endocannabinoid system is built by mother nature, to use cannabinoids to protect various cells and glands, with the prostate gland perfectly equipped to take advantage of cannabis as a cell structure protector.

At this stage it would be fair to suggest the poor reader, who is by now inundated with cannabis anti cancer stories, starts to lose concentration, but hang in there as the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Alcalá in Madrid, have spelled out in laymans terms, exactly what mechanisms are at work and how the cannabinoids fight the cancer.

Normal, healthy prostate tissue expresses several constituents of the endocannabinoid system including the CB(1) receptor, receptors belonging to the transient receptor potential family and fatty acid amide hydrolase, a hydrolyzing enzyme, all of which have been localized in the glandular epithelia, or the actual cell-wall of the prostate gland.

Accumulating evidence (their words not ours) indicate that the endocannabinoid system is dysregulated in prostate cancer, suggesting that it has a role in prostate homeostasis. That is, the maintenance of relatively stable internal physiological conditions or 'situation normal' in a healthy gland.

Overexpression of several components of the endocannabinoid system correlate with prostate cancer grade and progression, potentially providing a new therapeutic target for prostate cancer.

Overexpression Definition: excessive expression of a gene by producing too much of its effect or product.

Moreover, several cannabinoids exert antitumoral properties against prostate cancer, reducing xenograft prostate tumor growth, prostate cancer cell proliferation and cell migration. Which is exciting stuff.

As is the case with any study involving cannabis the article ends with a proviso.

Although the therapeutic potential of cannabinoids against prostate cancer is very promising, future research using animal models is needed to evaluate the influence of systemic networks in their antitumoral action.

And rest assured that research is carrying on apace even though the public will not get to hear about it.

Cannabis remains outlawed in the UK under any cirumstances. So regardless of your medical need, you will still be prosecuted if you are caught using cannabis, even if you are doing so to treat your own cancer.

So what does this mean to us?

Well first of all smoking cannabis doesn't give nearly enough of the good stuff to the human endocannabinoid system. Besides this, its also not very good for your health.

But Rick Simpsons highly concentrated cannabis oil certainly would as he has proven on his website Pheonix Tears many many times over.

A product which the pharmaceutical industry is attempting to bring to market under the imperialistic protection of the United States and United Kingdom governments.

So every single cannabis conviction in the UK and abroad (it would appear) is directly related to the pharmaceutical industry and their research into using cannabis as a medicine they can sell and make money from. And NOT, as David Cameron or Barack Obama would have us believe, as a result of public health protection.

This one article won't change a thing. But please do share it amongst your social networks and help spread the word.


Soft Secrets