Cannabis Won't be Prescribed for PTSD in Ukraine

Liz Filmer
27 Oct 2024

The Ministry of Health has approved the list of conditions for which cannabis will now be prescribed. Post-traumatic stress disorder is not on this list.

The war in the Middle East is in the news, but the conflict between Ukraine and Russia is far from over. Medical cannabis could prove useful in treating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental illnesses.

Ukraine has a population of 38 million, of which 6 million could benefit from medical cannabis. Veterans and people traumatised by war could have benefited from these cannabis-based treatments, but this will not be the case for the time being.

The legalisation of medical cannabis was approved in December 2023 after a campaign that highlighted the benefits of treating post-traumatic stress disorder, which many Ukrainians suffer from. The legalisation of medical cannabis has been supported by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Health Minister Viktor Liashko.

The Ukrainian Health Ministry has unveiled the list of conditions approved for the use of medical cannabis. Still, post-traumatic stress disorder is not on the list.

The Health Ministry officially approved the list of conditions for which medical cannabis can now be legally prescribed on September 27. The list will be revised over time. According to the ministry, the list considers the “most recent research and evidence of effectiveness.”

What Conditions have Been Approved?

The list includes the following conditions, among others:

- Chronic or neuropathic pain,

- Nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy,

- Parkinson’s disease

- Tourette’s syndrome

- Refractory epilepsy

- Weight loss associated with anorexia in HIV patients.

Ukrainians have had to endure Russia’s invasion for several years and many patients were disappointed that PTSD was not on the list. According to the Ministry of Health, the number of people with mental health problems has tripled since Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022.

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Liz Filmer