Cannabis Use Does Not Impair Users Next Day Performance

Liz Filmer
02 Jun 2024

A new study published in the journal Psychopharmacology has found little evidence to indicate that THC impacts a person’s performance the next day.

20 adults with diagnosed insomnia who ingested cannabis infrequently were observed in the study, which also gathered existing data from a larger study aimed at analysing the effects of THC and CBD on insomnia. 

Participants were administered either 2 ml of cannabis oil at 10 mg THC and 200 mg CBD, or a placebo at random. Within two hours of waking up they were asked to take part in cognitive tasks and psychomotor tests.

The study indicated that people who took 10 mg of THC showed little to no impairment the following day. This suggests that it’s completely  safe to drive after using cannabis the night before. Participants showed “no disparities in ‘next day’ performance in 27 out of 28 of the tests.

“The results of this study indicate that a single oral dose of 10 mg THC (in combination with 200 mg CBD) does not notably impair ‘next day’ cognitive function or driving performance relative to placebo in adults with insomnia disorder who infrequently use cannabis,” the study reads

However, larger studies are still required to determine the results of repeated dosing with THC (with or without CBD) and at more increased doses of THC, on the ‘next day’ function.

Researchers have found data which shows that THC impairment lasts mere hours, whilst drug tests can detect THC for weeks and in some cases months after it has been consumed.

While investigators noticed negligible changes in cognitive function, further tests revealed that there was likely to be no substantial impairment.

Are Drug Tests Reliable?

Recent studies have demonstrated that levels of THC detected in the blood or breath of cannabis users are not a trustworthy indicator of impairment. Researchers also discovered that THC levels in blood and breath did not provide reliable evidence of when a test subject last consumed cannabis. Neither the detection of THC in blood or breath is associated with impairment of performance or recency of cannabis use, according to data published in the journal Nature Scientific Reports. While most cannabis users know that the effects only last a matter of hours, the science to prove that now backs this up.

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Liz Filmer