Can you Give Blood if you Smoke Cannabis?

Liz Filmer
08 Dec 2022

NHS Blood and Transplant estimate that around 135,000 new donors are needed annually in England to ensure that hospitals can meet demand. Every day around 5,000 donations are required to meet demand.

Every donated unit can be separated into individual parts, including plasma, platelets and red blood cells. This indicates that every blood donation could save as many as three lives. 

Using cannabis does not mean that you can't donate blood. However, countries and organisations may have varying timeframes on when you are permitted to donate blood if you use cannabis, so always check. This is what the Red Cross say about it, however.

The Red Cross does not test donated blood for THC, the main psychoactive component of the cannabis plant. Potential blood donors are advised not to turn up to donate whilst under the influence of THC, which impairs their memory or comprehension.

No verified data determines how long a person should wait between cannabis use and blood donation. The Red Cross does not have to follow guidelines by the Drug Enforcement Administration or similar organisations. 

Consuming high-THC-percentage products like waxes or dabs; does not disqualify you either. Again, all that is asked of you is not to donate if the use of cannabis is damaging your memory or comprehension.

Even if you are a heavy cannabis consumer, there is no risk of a transfusion recipient failing a drug test because they have received your blood.

What about synthetic cannabinoids" or recreational varieties like K2 and Spice? There are no universal guidelines regarding synthetic cannabinoids. Decisions on these substances and the acceptability of donations from these users lie with local blood centres. So always enquire before you donate if you are unsure about the synthetic cannabinoid you take, whether it is prescribed medication or a recreational variety.

The guidelines are the same for a cannabis user donating platelets or plasma as for donating whole blood. For synthetic cannabis users, there are apprehensions that some types of non-prescription synthetic cannabis have been discovered to contain specific anticoagulants that can degrade the plasma.

Each local blood centre currently sets policies about accepting whole blood, platelets or plasma donations from recreational synthetic cannabis consumers. Those policies will vary depending on whether contaminants have been turning up in those areas.

To find out more about the organisations in your area, check out the following

You can find your nearest place to donate in England by entering your location into the NHS Give Blood website. 

Wales- go to Welsh Blood Service website,

Scotland- go to Scotblood

Northern Ireland- go to the Northern Ireland Blood Transfusion Service website. 

Liz Filmer