Can Weed Keep you Cooler in the Sun?

Liz Filmer
17 Jul 2024

Using cannabis is great for chilling out but it can also help you in the summer heat. Weed may lower your body temperature and help you feel cooler. 

Anecdotal evidence shows that people who live in naturally hot climates use cannabis to deal with the tropical heat. There is however a scientific rationale for what happens in the body when you use cannabis during the high summer temperatures.

Cannabis to Cope with the Summer Heat

Some of the compounds encountered in cannabis help balance your body temperature by operating as homeostatic mechanisms. This means if your body temperature is slightly raised then cannabis can lower it slightly. Regular cannabis users may already have felt this. Some users have even reported having the shivers after indulging in too much weed, though it is not common.

With cannabis, shivering is normally a temporary, harmless side effect, and is usually caused by high levels of THC in the body. It is however proof that cannabis can impact your body temperature, and that is something that you can try and use to your advantage. 

Cannabis encounters different receptors in the human body, including the ones that play a vital role in whether you feel hot or cold, these receptors are called vanilloid protein receptors. Cannabis can jolt these receptors, stimulating the body’s natural cooling reaction. 

However, a substantial portion of the effect would depend on how and where you consume it. Weed is unlikely to make you feel cooler if you are smoking in a warm enclosed room with no air conditioning or good circulation. 

Using Cannabis to Feel Cooler

Smoke Weed Outside 

Don’t close yourself off in a small smoking room instead smoke weed by water, a lake or a river, the ocean, or in a park, anywhere outside. 


Cannabis Drinks

Staying hydrated is essential in summer and you need to replace those lost bodily fluids. Water is always good along with eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, or having a smoothie. There are lots of ways to incorporate cannabis into your drinks.


CBD Water 

If you don’t want to get high the easy option is CBD. The most hydrating way to feel the benefits of CBD is to drink CBD-infused water. You can drink it on its own or mix it with lemonade or other juices. 


How Else Can You Use Weed in the Summer? 


Using edibles in the summer sun can be a different experience. It’s recommended in this instance to use less than you would normally. When the temperatures are high, your body is more sensitive and will react quicker even when you ingest smaller amounts of cannabis. 


Stay Hydrated

When temperatures are up and you sweat, you need to drink more fluids than usual. Always keep a bottle of water with you in case you start to feel a bit uneasy when the THC hits. 


Insect Bites 

The summer season is also prime for annoying insects like mosquitos. One way to treat insect bites is with cannabis-infused topicals which can help to stop the itch and facilitate faster skin healing. 



Sunburn is common in the summer. Various plant-based cooling gels like Aloe Vera can help to heal sunburn. Cannabis gels can soothe your skin and help to keep you cooler in the summer heat.

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Liz Filmer