Can Weed help you Lose Weight?

Liz Filmer
20 Aug 2023

Cannabis may be linked with lower body weight. Much of this opinion comes from two surveys that concluded that rates of obesity were higher amongst those who did not use cannabis compared to those who used cannabis at least three times a week.

Another study investigating the relationship between cannabis and obesity in young people reached comparable deductions. Additionally, a recent analysis of the relationship between cannabis use and body mass index (BMI) revealed that cannabis users had remarkably lower BMIs and obesity rates despite an increased calorie intake.

 It is important to remember that science is still unclear about the causes of this link and that there is still insufficient evidence to say without a doubt that cannabis is an effective weight loss tool.

There are a few theories on why cannabis use is linked to reduced BMI and a lower chance of obesity.

Increased Mobility.

When used correctly, cannabis may have some power to alleviate symptoms associated with pain and stiffness. People with mobility issues may be more active when using cannabis.

Reduction in Alcohol Consumption

Research suggests that adolescents and young people who favour cannabis may consume less alcohol than those who don’t. This means that they are not taking on board calories from alcoholic drinks, something which could contribute to lower BMIs.

Lower Stress

Stress eating is a genuine thing. Studies show that people are more likely to overeat and depend on comfort foods when stressed or anxious. It’s widely believed that weed can ease anxiety and help calm you, so weed may replace stress eating in the case of some people.

Improved Sleep

Poor sleep can add to the chance of weight gain. There is evidence that cannabis may improve insomnia and help reduce stress and pain, which also cause poor sleep.

Metabolism Boost

Cannabis may interact with cannabinoid receptor 1, which affects metabolism and food intake. High amounts of cannabis increase metabolism and reduce energy storage, resulting in a lower BMI.

The research around cannabis seems odd because of the long-standing link between weed and snacking.

So how can people potentially eat more and lose weight while smoking weed? Researchers are still trying to figure it out. Still, a balancing act between the two powerful cannabinoids THC and CBD may help explain it. 

THC has been shown to trigger hunger and is the biggest reason why people sometimes use cannabis as an appetite stimulant. In contrast, CBD seems to counteract specific effects of THC, including its appetite-boosting and mood-altering products.

More on this topic from Soft Secrets:

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Liz Filmer