What Plants Tell Us
Talking to your plants seems very normal to some people. Now it will move mainstream as the plants finally have the chance to answer back.
Talking to your plants seems very normal to some people. Now it will move mainstream as the plants finally have the chance to answer back.
Soon our beloved plants will be able to "speak" to us about their individual preferences in nutrients or music! Here comes the future of agriculture and the next era in communication on our planet. Microsoft will teach plants to talk to us, the media have reported recently.Talking to your plants seems very normal to some people. Now it will move mainstream as the plants finally have the chance to answer back.
Trees Of Life: From Communion To Communication
Of course, in most cultures Indian hemp and various other sacred plants/psychedelic medicines, sometimes called entheogens, have communicated with us extremely effectively for thousands of years – but this subject is taboo, a well-known secret, and a Great Mystery of big organized religions, corrupt by nature and definition - like all institutional molochs that have grown too large. So officially we owe the first successful attempts to establish communication with the silent members of our family to computers and high-tech, not the ‘high’ of ancient medicine men using their now-illegal plants. Plants, legal or not, are our distant relatives. They are our green cousins, who share DNA with us. The universal genetic code of all living beings on earth proves our common origin. Microsoft just developed technology that translates the signals emitted by plants into English words which you can read on Twitter. You can even conduct a simple conversation with a plant. Simply type a message on a computer connected to the dome of the Microsoft’s Project Florence and it will be translated into a series of light signals. They vary in color, length, and duration – and reportedly scientists are able to translate positive (a long blink of red color, stimulating blossoming) or negative meaning. The reaction of the plant is measured by sensors in the roots and leaves. The captured chemical and electrical signals are translated into English and printed. "Conversations" with a plant serve to demonstrate the possibilities of the project for agriculture. Farmers will be able to receive reports about the needs of individual plants, so they can adjust irrigation or fertilizers to specific needs and preferences. Obviously, plants do not understand the whole sentence, only the overall message, which enables the receiving of reliable answers. Conversation is based on some guesswork. However, the device already signals quite well the needs of a plant. For example, it will be possible to determine the plant’s favorite music (a proven contributing factor of growth) - and compare the results with the preferences of other plants (or their human guardian). It seems like the Little Green Ones have finally arrived with their powerful antiracist message to us. What would you like to know about your Hemp Lady? Besides the obvious: like what kind of shit she likes.Breaking Taboos: Be KIND To Your Plants
Microsoft is also developing software that will accurately track the fate of every registered plant of medical cannabis. KIND is a new US start-up that specializes in the distribution of medical marijuana. The company has recently announced that Microsoft has become involved in the project as the software provider. It will be responsible for establishing the location of specific plants from seed to sales. David Dinenberg from KIND sees the future brightly: with the support of Microsoft, they will be able to win government contracts. The New York Times writes that this decision from Microsoft is breaking taboos. It is also necessary: to create an adequate system of control in the many states that have already gone through some form of legalization (i.e. more than half of the US). Many state programs require accurate tracking of all cultivation, production, and sales - so that nothing appears on the black market. Critics emphasize that Microsoft has jumped on the bandwagon at a very good time, because there’s a great chance in the autumn that the legal market will include California, one of the largest and richest states. In the last year, according to a report by ArcView Market Research, it was worth $ 4.8 billion. This year its value will reach 6.5 billion, and by 2020 it is expected to reach 25 billion. Mainstream media comment that, despite the overall legality of the project, Microsoft took a small risk, because links to companies trafficking in marijuana may create an "uncomfortable image". Really? To whom and when? In the future, without cannabis? When governments finally win their war against this world-famous medicinal and industrial plant? The strategic crop, the most useful and beneficial green in the history of mankind? Sooner there will be no Microsoft. Or no future at all…. It seems more like Bill Gates is correct in predicting global trends again. His involvement with KIND is a good sign for the cannabis world. Let’s begin the conversation! By Sebastian Daniel
Soft Secrets