Majority of Germans Wish to Retain New Cannabis Law.

Liz Filmer
17 Mar 2025

The new government isn't even officially in office yet, it is already reported that the CDU would like to make cannabis illegal again. The majority of Germans are in favour of legalising cannabis consumption and maintaining the law. However, many feel it doesn't go far enough, as acquiring cannabis is anything but easy. Cannabis social clubs and the like.

The CDU would like to reverse all of this immediately. How realistic that is remains to be seen. After all, a potential coalition partner of the CDU helped initiate this law. The CDU believe that the new cannabis laws are a dangerous mistake and must be reversed, the parliamentary group's health policy spokesperson, Tino Sorge, emphasised again at the beginning of March.

But the majority of Germans don't see it that way at all. A Forsa survey commissioned by the KKH Kaufmännische Krankenkasse (KKH Commercial Health Insurance) found that more than half of respondents (55 per cent) opposed the repeal of the cannabis law. Only 36 per cent of respondents supported repealing the cannabis law.

In February of this year, 1,012 people between the ages of 18 and 70 were surveyed. Younger people in particular oppose repealing the law with 75 per cent of 18-34 year-olds opposed it. Furthermore, according to this survey, 43 per cent of respondents considered cannabis a harmless drug that helps with many health problems. That number was 10 percent higher among 18-34 year-olds. In general, 59 per cent of respondents stated that everyone should decide for themselves whether to use drugs or not and this doesn't just apply to cannabis.

For many respondents, the criminalisation of this relatively harmless drug and the black market are also a problem. The hope that legalisation will help curb the black market and the consumption of contaminated cannabis is shared by 60 per cent of respondents.

The CDU/CSU, which sees the law as a dangerous mistake, certainly isn't speaking for the majority of the population on this issue. But in general, the CDU is currently more backwards-looking than it has been for a long time. This applies to security policy issues and also to drug policy. 

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Liz Filmer