Soft Secrets
24 Oct 2011

I live in the mountains of Norway at 2450 meters. First frosts come early at this elevation, usually around the end of August. The spots I am considering have full sun and are covered with ponderosa and sagebrush rather than Aspen.

I live in the mountains of Norway at 2450 meters. First frosts come early at this elevation, usually around the end of August. The spots I am considering have full sun and are covered with ponderosa and sagebrush rather than Aspen.

I live in the mountains of Norway at 2450 meters. First frosts come early at this elevation, usually around the end of August. The spots I am considering have full sun and are covered with ponderosa and sagebrush rather than Aspen. I am planning on using smaller size grow bags in order to help induce flowering and planting next to rock outcroppings to use their warmth at night.

My feeling is that it is possible to grow in this area, but I'm deciding if I should go all in and try for a big harvest or do a couple of small patches and see how it works out. What do you think about the garden's prospects?

It can be done. Use auto-flowering plants that are started indoors in late April and planted out in June, once the land heats up a bit. The plants will flower and ripen before the end of August.

Auto-flowering plants do not require light deprivation or a long night for them to flower. They start flowering as they grow and ripen about 100 days after germination. The plants are usually fairly small at maturity and usually yield only a few ounces, so plan on growing many more plants than you normally would. Auto-flowering plants are very difficult to clone. Germinate all the plants you plan to grow.


Soft Secrets