Soft Secrets
27 Jul 2011

​​​​​​​Hair is an excellent source of nitrogen (N). It is composed of about 15% nitrogen and under 1% each of calcium (Ca), iron (Fe) and phosphorous (P).

There are several ways that you can use it:

I have used it to heat up compost piles. It quickly decomposes as it supports microbial activity in the pile.

It can be mixed into the soil before planting. It gradually releases nutrients as it slowly decomposes. Rather than providing just a burst of available nitrogen it provides it over an extended period.

If you are planning on collecting hair from a barbershop or salon, remember that a fairly large percentage of it is colored using synthetic dyes. Generally speaking, dyes are very small molecules that may be persistent, so it is probably not good to put directly into the soil. They are more likely to break down in the microbial ferment of the compost pile.

Both of these methods are used in planting mix/soil-based gardens, not hydro gardens.

Soft Secrets