Going Organic

Organic growing is the choice for healthier homegrown cannabis and sustainability. However, it is only effective if used correctly. So as enthusiastic as you may be, don't just go steaming in there and swap your regular Feed for Organic. It's not like changing shampoo! Organic Feed requires certain conditions to work effectively.
Organic plant food is derived from a plant or animal source rather than a laboratory with chemicals. The end product produced by organic methods will be free of harmful toxins, pesticides, high levels of heavy metals or traces of other substances, including hormones and antibiotics.
Organic Feed is usually made up of some of the following.
Bone meal- Rich in phosphorous
Blood meal- Naturally high in nitrogen, crucial to plant growth and health
Cottonseed meal- a by-product of cotton manufacturing, high in nitrogen.
Fish emulsion- a blend of fish remains, very high in nitrogen.
Manure- from horses, cows, pigs, chickens, sheep and even bats, having a good spread of all nutrients.
Non-organic Feed is manufactured using chemicals and produced in an "Ionic" form. Ionic Feed is a complete product containing every mineral the plant requires in the correct amounts, in a form readily available for immediate absorption by the plant. As ionic fertiliser is presented to the plant in this "ready to go" formula, it is versatile enough to be used in any growing system or medium.
Organic feed-in contrast is administered to the plant in a form that requires more time and more complex conditions to break down into a soluble form. Organic Feed may be slower to work, but the positives include longer-lasting effects and less likelihood of over-fertilisation
Organic Feed is not for use with inert manufactured mediums such as coco coir or within hydro systems. Soil is an organic product itself and already contains a level of minerals naturally, making it a perfect environment for your organic plant food to break down within. The key to a great organic medium is to have the soil teeming with all the necessary minerals needed to keep all the beneficial bacteria and microorganisms within it, thriving and multiplying when in the presence of organic Feed.
Improving your soil's health will, in turn, produce healthy plants. The natural level of minerals held within the soil keeps the plant afloat health-wise whilst you wait for the organic Feed to break down enough to be absorbed by the plant.
Organic Feed in a hydro system is a no-no due to the live bacteria and microorganisms present. The oxygen will feed and encourage the growth of bacteria and microorganisms, resulting in your water starting to foam, turn stagnant, sludge up and block pipes, drippers and tanks. It will also encourage the production of harmful mould or fungus spores, which will spell the end for your growing efforts.
Organics is the most rewarding process to use if you want to learn more about your plants' needs and helps you understand and respect the power of nature. It teaches you to nurture your plants on a level that you don't get with a non-organic feeding plan.