Cannabis May Help Endometriosis Symptoms

Liz Filmer
03 Sep 2024

In a new study, more than 900 patients in Germany, Austria and Switzerland were asked about how they self-managed endometriosis symptoms. 

Over 75% of patients conveyed having tried self-management methods in the past six months with cannabis discovered to be the ‘most effective’. 

Endometriosis is an inflammatory disorder where cells similar to those found in the uterus lining are discovered elsewhere in the body. Alongside intense pain during periods and sex, it can also impact bowel movements and urination, as well as causing nausea, bloating, fatigue, and occasionally depression, anxiety, and infertility.

Recent studies have demonstrated that the endocannabinoid system may play a role in the pathology of the disorder itself, so there is a likelihood that cannabinoids may have some prospect as a new treatment alternative. 

17% of the participants surveyed reported using cannabis to manage their endometriosis-related symptoms in the last few months. The symptoms that cannabis was most useful at providing relief for were sleep, 91%, menstrual pain, 90% and non-cyclical pelvic pain, 80%. 

Almost 90% of respondents found that cannabis was able to help them decrease the quantity of pain medication required, with almost 50% of them seeing a substantial decrease. 

The study authors also reported that cannabis showed prospects in relieving psychological issues, with 75% of women suffering from anxiety or depression witnessing an improvement. 

Researchers also pinpointed high levels of appeal in cannabis-based products from all patients, even those who had not used cannabis regularly or recently. Over 80% voiced interest in using a CBD-based product and more than 60% were open to using THC. 

The study authors stated that Cannabis had a significant impact on the overall well-being and quality of life of women living with endometriosis.

However, it was also highlighted that accessing medical cannabis remains difficult and more research is required to reinforce wider prescribing.

“The study indicates that there is a significant interest and demand for additional therapeutic options, and cannabis can potentially become an important part of a multimodal therapy approach for treating endometriosis.”

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Liz Filmer