GrowShops - The One-Stop Source for all HydroPonic Grow Materials

Not all Grow Shops and tools were created equal--and that's why General Cannabis has launched
Not all Grow Shops and tools were created equal--and that's why General Cannabis has launched
Not all Grow Shops and tools were created equal--and that's why General Cannabis has launched In the ever blossoming medical marijuana industry, there are a variety of resources that growers all around the world need to have a safe, successful, and thorough operation. And that's exactly what this newly launched service from General Cannabis (also home to is. is the ultimate hydroponic source for growers of cannabis, as it will tell you where the nearest Grow Shop to you is, what types of products they are stocked with, and how strong a shop it is. is structured much like WeedMaps, as when you login, you're met with a map that will pinpoint your current location and then show you the shops near you. If you are searching for a specific brand of grow products, you can also filter your search with the click of a button, making it an extremely user-friendly source. If you're going to be a successful grower, there are two distinct areas where you must be completely stable in: materials and knowledge. contains resources for both. Along with a burgeoning list of grow shops in its data base, also has an FAQ section that answers any and all questions you may have with regards to hydroponic plant growth. GrowShops is the most expansive source on the internet for growers. The site contains recommendations and links to all sorts of different types of gear including but not limited to different lighting and nutrient system. Another particularly helpful tool on this site is the "Ask a local expert" option--one I have personally taken advantage of and can vouch for. And it's also worth noting that this new service is not just useful for growers, but those who own grow shops. If you want to spread the word about your new (or established but unsuccessful) grow house, allows you to advertise directly on the site, which means they will feature your listing. Simply put, there is no service as in depth, massive, and useful for grow products that we've seen like So the next time you need any materials for your plant growth, be sure you check out this new resource--from personal experience, we HIGHly recommend it.SeedMine: The Place to go for Seeds
The online market for cannabis seeds is a confusing and often sloppy one, as growers frequently find themselves buying seeds on whims rather than based on knowledge and research. That's where this new website I discovered,, comes in. I've never come across such an extensive database of marijuana seeds online. Every legitimate grower needs the importance of having solid seeds. And because a marijuana plant is only as strong as its seed, growers really do need all the necessary due diligence well BEFORE they even think about planting a seed. And the recently launched and Dutch-based service is exactly that. SeedMine has an extensive database with thousands of different cannabis seed strains and seedbank options that would make any cannabis connoisseur weak at the knees as I was when I stumbled upon this new tool. Sour Diesel, Blue Dream--you name a strain and SeedMine has got that strain--with plenty of different places to get it from. And the coolest feature on SeedMine is that you can compare seeds of the same strains or varying strains from different Seed banks. The filtered results will show you a comparison of price, flowering time, expected yield, and, of course, the quality of each particular seed. Another useful, bonus section of SeedMine is its blog, which offers a variety of information. For growers, it publishes two to three lengthy and professional articles a week, ranging from how to manage powdery mildew to the difference of sativas and indicas. There's also one to two posts a day that cover the Medical Marijuana Industry's landscape, which is a nice tool if any grower or patient wants to stay informed. Whether or not you're a novice, aspiring grower or you've been at it for years, SeedMine is a gift that can keep on giving for you. It's user-friendly, diverse, comprehensive, and simply put, the best seed finding site on the market.
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