Florida Weed-ing

While I wouldn't mind a wedding reception where guests will be offered a delectable treat of weed, this is something you would normally want to avoid on your special day. Especially if you don't inform guests upfront that there will be something like that on the wedding menu. The story of a Florida bride and the caterer who worked on her weed-ing has taken the internet by storm during the last couple of days. I bet this is a wedding everyone will remember for the rest of their lives!
It has been no ordinary tying the knot for 42-year-old bride Danya Shea Svoboda. Aided by 31-year-old caterer Hoycelyn Montrincine Bryant, the bride and her helper "have been charged with culpable negligence, delivery of marijuana and violating Florida's Anti-Tampering Act" during a February reception in Longwood, Florida, which led several wedding guests to become sick and require medical attention. Food laced with weed included lasagna.
According to CNN, which details the court documents for the case, Svoboda "agreed to and allowed Joycelyn Montrincie Bryant to lace the food she served ... with cannabis unbeknownst to the attendees..."
When local county deputies arrived at the Longwood venue where the wedding was taking place on February 19, they witnessed county fire rescue personnel treating several guests for "symptoms consistent with that of someone who has used illegal drugs."
When an officer asked the bride and the groom, Andrew Svoboda, whether they had requested and consented to the food infused with pot, Andrew "stared at (the deputy) with a blank expression for a few moments before stuttering through a 'no,'" according to court documents.
The documentation further reveals that officials collected food and glassware used by guests at the venue and lab-tested for the presence of marijuana. A beer glass, lasagna, and desserts were among the items subjected to testing, of which the lasagna showed positive for THC. Тhree wedding guests also returned positive urine tests.
Some guests reported feeling "stoned" and "ill and high," while others said they felt "weird, tingly, fidgety, and had an extremely dry mouth" after ingesting food at the wedding. One man said his "heart was racing and before I went to bed that night, I actually slept in my car right on-site."
A woman was reportedly brought to the emergency room as she experienced paranoia and thought that her spouse "wasn't telling the truth about other family members" and that her son-in-law had died and everyone was hiding that from her. The woman had to be given medication to calm down.
A lot of guests suspected they were experiencing a medical incident. However, others were quick to figure out the effects of weed, with one guest saying, " ... everyone was just kind of looking around each other and laughing and we absolutely were [stoned]."
"We were high as a kite, out of our minds," the guest said.
Testimonies also reveal that the bride has been approached by guests asking whether there has been "marijuana in the olive oil," what was happening and what had they been given. Initially, the bride responded with yes and "acted excited," but later, probably as the situation went out of control, she allegedly said she had no idea what was going on.
Both the bride and the caterer have now been arrested and await trial in Florida scheduled for the summer. The two are facing felony charges for marijuana possession, culpable negligence, and reckless tampering.
While there haven't been any reports that guests exposed to weed suffered any long-term issues, we can assume they are all fine now, and the effects were only short-term until everyone sobered up. However, the fact that recreational use of marijuana remains illegal in Florida won't make any of the circumstances any easier. Neither is the fact that guests were unaware they were being served food laced with cannabis. Even if the bride may not have had any bad intentions.
We can also assume the cannabis strain used for this bizarre incident was quite potent as guests reported all typical symptoms of strong weed, including paranoia and racing heart.
Well, at least it wasn't raining on their wedding day.