Soft Secrets
25 Oct 2011

I am thinking of setting up a small four-plant wick system in a small crawl space under the stairs and I was thinking about putting two plants per 20 liter container. What will happen?

I am thinking of setting up a small four-plant wick system in a small crawl space under the stairs and I was thinking about putting two plants per 20 liter container. What will happen?

I am thinking of setting up a small four-plant wick system in a small crawl space under the stairs and I was thinking about putting two plants per 20 liter container. What will happen? Will they thrive healthfully as long as there is a good medium and nutrient solution or should I use only one plant per pot?

Two plants growing in a 20 liter container usually have a higher yield than a single plant. There are other advantages as well. With two plants the canopy is covered faster because each plant has less space to fill. Eventually, the two plants fill the area more completely than a single plant. As a result the plants are ready to force flowering sooner and more buds are produced, increasing both the yield over a single plant and decreasing total growth time.


Soft Secrets