Should you Swap to Dry Herb Vaping?

With the advancement of technology and a better understanding of the disadvantages of smoking, devices like dry herb vaporisers have become an increasingly favoured alternative to traditional smoking methods. But is it worth switching to dry herb vaporisers
With the advancement of technology and a better understanding of the disadvantages of smoking, devices like dry herb vaporisers have become an increasingly favoured alternative to traditional smoking methods. But is it worth switching to dry herb vaporisers?
Vapes are now a common sight in most countries not just for tobacco smoking but also cannabis. Vapes avoid the harmful smoke associated with combustible plant material with a vapour that is also inhaled but believed to be much less damaging to health. There is a wide range of different products that can be used, from oils and hash to dried cannabis flowers. The dry herb vaporiser, of course, focuses on the latter.
To allow us to access the valuable cannabinoids and terpenes from cannabis, vaporisers use relatively low temperatures to trigger the evaporation of cannabinoids whilst avoiding the negative effects of conventional smoking methods. Cannabis vapes are particularly favoured among medical users due to the health risks associated with inhaling cannabis smoke.
While some studies indicate that cannabis smoke may not be as detrimental to health as tobacco smoke, it is a standard belief that all plant matter, when combusted, discharges toxic compounds that can be damaging. In terms of cannabis particularly, cannabis smoke has been linked to respiratory dysfunction. This includes the transformation of respiratory cells to a pre-cancerous state.
A 2021 study found that cannabis smoke increases levels of potentially damaging by-products and chemicals, although this is still at a lower level than tobacco smoke.
Vaporising cannabis eradicates this potentially harmful smoke and instead replaces it with a cannabinoid-rich vapour that is much more suited to medicinal use. More analyses are required for us to thoroughly comprehend the health impacts of vaping cannabis, however, it appears that dry herb vaporisers typically offer far better health consequences than smoking according to recent research.
Cannabis users with a history of smoking will be familiar with the harshness on the throat – especially when blended with tobacco. However, even when it is inhaled independently, research suggests that cannabis smoke can damage the throat and lungs, leading potentially to chronic bronchitis, other coughs, lung hyperinflation, and acute bronchitis.
In comparison, many find that the cooler temperatures used in a dry herb vaporiser make for a much smoother experience overall. A typical cannabis joint can exceed temperatures of 400°C, whereas vaporisers can release cannabinoids and terpenes at temperatures as low as 120°C (The boiling point of THC is approximately 157°C). So, by opting for a dry herb vaporiser you could be reducing lung irritation both during and after your next smoking sesh. It is also a commonly held belief that vapour provides you with a better taste and aroma!
Saving money has never been more relevant of a topic than it currently is. Versus smoking dry herb vaporisers make your weed go further. Because of the lack of combustion (smoke), vaporising is believed to extend the life of your cannabis. Whilst smoking is a practical way of ingesting cannabinoids and terpenes, it isn’t the most efficient method. The high temperatures can destroy a substantial proportion of cannabinoids and terpenes before you even get the opportunity to enjoy them.
With a boiling point of 157°C? Imagine how much THC and other compounds could be destroyed at temperatures exceeding 400°C. Scientific research has shown that vaping supports the preservation of compounds, giving consumers the chance to get the maximum amount out of their cannabis. This means that a smaller amount of cannabis will be required to achieve the same effects as smoking.
However, there is one potential negative and that is that such exposure to THC could equate to a heightened chance of you experiencing the more unfavourable effects of THC, like anxiety.
For those with a high tolerance, however, using a vaporiser could equate to big savings. The caveat here is that whilst a dry herb vaporiser will save you money in the long run, the initial outlay can be quite high. If you consider this purchase as an investment in your health however then you may well find that it is worth the money.
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