Mokum’s Tulip
Mokum’s Tulip
Set Up: Seedbank - Dutch Passion Strain - Fem Mokum’s Tulip (Gelato x Sherbet) Lights - SANlight Q5 210w LED Grow Medium - Plagron Bat Guano Mix, Guanokalong Complete Mix Pot Size - 10 litre fabric pot Nutrients - Cannazyme, Hesizyme, Sensizyme 3ml per litre Growing Phase - 21 days
Week 1 - This will be an organic grow using only 210w of SANlight LED. The feeding schedule will be one to feed every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday with a water and enzyme only solution. The grow medium is from Plagron and is their complete bat guano mix. I also mixed in a powdered product from Guanokalong named Complete Mix.
I germinate my feminised seed in a glass of room temperature water and am ready to plant into my organic mix. Using a toothpick and poking into my moist medium, I create a 2cm deep hole to plant the seed tap root down. After gently covering up, I place the 10 litre fabric pot into the grow tent.
The temperature inside the grow tent is averaging 23 degrees celsius and with my humidifier inside, the relative humidity is close to 65%. It takes only 3 days before I see a set of small leaves popping up out of my growing medium. The plan is to feed only enzyme rich water to the plant and allow the nutrients to be absorbed slowly and naturally.
After 14 days of growing under 18/6, the plant grew to around 15cm high and began to show characteristics of the gelato leaf pattern. Her stem grew quite thin and quickly toughened up from the constant swaying caused by my oscillating fans. I continue to feed at 3ml per litre of each separate enzyme product, meaning there is 9ml per litre in total.
After 21 days, there was smaller growth developing at each internode which was stacking every inch. From early signs, Mokum’s Tulip was going to be a bushy plant with lots of shoots. My plan is to top her at the end of week 4 and let the structure become more bushy, allowing for a shorter final plant height. The temperature and humidity inside my tent was still in the ideal range of 23.5 degrees Celsius and 60% humidity.
Day 35 and her height was 42cm. The stem has become hard and getting a nice thickness, and is beginning to fill the tent. The appearance is a lush, vibrant green with new growth exploding from every internode. I now take the time to prune the lowest parts of each side branch, and cut of the top shoot. I do this now to prevent any unwanted stretching periods, and to allow the side branches to produce fat and dense buds.
After 42 days, the growth structure is bushy, however is very clean underneath and is now measuring a height of 48cm after being topped. My feeding regime remains the same and I feed one hour after the lights have come on, ensuring the grow medium is totally dry before watering until run off. When given a stem rub, there is a clear lemony, sherbert aroma present and now I am very excited to see what terps she throws out during blooming.
Flowering Phase - 50 days
I shift my timer to 12 hours on and 12 hours off and now the flowering phase begins. The only amendment I make at this stage is to provide a top dressing of the Guanokalong powder Complete mix. It is a bit of a smelly one, so beware not to add to much to avoid having your entire house smell funky.
The growth structure of this plant is now evenly growing with multiple tops that will produce uniform buds. After the first 7 days of flowering, the plants have stretched considerably and are outgrowing everything else in my tent in terms of stretching. After the second week, the height has now grown to 93cm almost doubling in height, and considering I had topped her she is now the tallest lady in the room.
I actually take some twine and tie her tallest points down to create as even a canopy as possible, and avoid having the buds growing too close to the light. By week 3, she was producing fat pistils and pre flowered extremely fast. I could not believe how fast she was flowering and by the 4th week, the calyxs were stacked and producing loads more pre flowers.
The bud structure was very thick and dense with formations at every internode. What really impressed me is how the lower buds grew identical to the tops.
After week 5, there is a heavy formation of resin on the buds, with the surrounding leaves becoming frosted with resin rails. Compared to the other cultivars in the tent, I would say Mokum’s Tulip is a very fast flowering variety that will be ready to harvest in no more than 50 days. Now day 35 has passed, the final 2 weeks will class as the flush period and to make sure all of the internal reserves have been used up and the buds produce the ultimate smooth taste.
Flushed - 15 days
Week 6 begins and as the buds begin to get fatter and more frosty, I notice the terp profile becoming more gassy with overtones of creamy gelato. The buds have a rock hard density and are so stacked up, that harvesting will be really easy and there will be no popcorn nugs.
[caption id="attachment_39525" align="alignnone" width="1920"] A fast flowering hybrid that is packed with terps.[/caption]
The pistils have turned dark brown and began to wrap themselves around the swollen, bulky buds. The colours of the buds are beautiful and contain orange, purples and bright green hues. I decided to harvest this lady on the 50th day. After hanging for 14 days, the buds are ready to be placed into curing jars. Overall I am very impressed by this new strain from Dutch Passion, and certainly recommend it to anyone who wants a quick turn around and fat buds.
Conclusion -
The dried buds have a very unique terpene profile that can be described as a creamy gelato with a lime based sourness. When smoking the flavours are delicious and coat the lips after every toke. A great effect that is creative and also perfect for day time use.