Ladybirds VS Spider Mites

There is a culture of organic growers who go out of their way to stay chemical free and any alternative is much preferred. When dealing with spider mites, this can sometimes seem the easiest option especially if you are commercially growing and cannot afford to lose your crop. This article will alert you of the predator that will deal with those unwanted pests and keep your garden under maximum security at microscopic levels.
Spider Mites And How To Spot Them
There is nothing worse than discovering your beautiful plants are now home to a group of breeding spider mites. Sometimes an inexperienced grower can find out the hard way when spider webs appear almost overnight, as the little prehistoric shelled nefarious mites show themselves. You should be in the practice of touching your plants on a regular basis and noticing daily any changes in performance, leaf structure, leaf damage and any other indication there is something wrong at a deeper level. There will be damage to the leaf area as the spider mites literally suck out the flesh part of the leaf, leaving behind a yellow scar. Naturally these are not so easy to notice and discovering them too late can be fatal. [caption id="attachment_6606" align="alignnone" width="500"] Here is a totally infested crop that has been ruined by the spider mites.[/caption] Other insects and unwanted bugs will leave a mark on the leaf surface where they attacked the leaf, yet understanding the difference between thrip damage and spider mite damage is very important. Spider mites can be transported by clones, dirty clothing, ventilation systems and from pets. 99% of growers who have spider mites were unfortunate enough to get contaminated clones, yet the practice of overalls and sterile clean clothes is a great way to keep any opportunities to enter the grow room limited.
Ladybird Assassins
As children we always saw ladybirds as a friendly cartoon character that has no intimidating aspects at all. The slow round shelled insects are rarely seen throughout the year. They are easy to spot and can be identified by a dark red shining shell that has usually 3 dots on each wing. Despite their soft look and their feminine name, these ninja insects are actually trained killers with some serious appetite. These mysterious little friendly bugs have many connections over history and the world, with some European beliefs ranging from lady birds being sent by Virgin Mary during times of plagues , to old Switzerland who have a superstition that babies were brought by lady bugs, whilst in Austria you would ask a lady bug for good weather. Depending where in the world you are ladybirds, lady beetles or ladybird bugs, these proponents will take on a range of over 10 soft bodied insects as well as aphids, spider mites, beetle and moth larvae. Basically anything with the name Lady is actually a cruel mistress that will feed on the unwanted insects, as well as feeding on pollen. So these happy helpers will not only clean up around 100 spider mites per day, they will also stay close to any male plants you have protecting those as well for those high pressure breeding projects.
Sourcing Ladybirds Outdoors And Online
If you are relying on a natural source of ladybirds to freely enter the garden, then you need to think of heavy pollinating species in order to keep up with their appetite for pollen. Plants that can be added to your cannabis plants are sunflowers, passion fruit and chamomile. Not only with these plants deter other unwanted insects like white fly, they are great cannabis companion and will help camouflage those beautiful ladies even more. [caption id="attachment_6607" align="alignnone" width="500"] Ladybugs are armored beasts that have no mercy for other bugs.[/caption] Depending on where you live, gathering a colony of lady birds fast enough to protect your spider mite invasion could be an anxious and helpless time. An alternative is to go online and have a tub full sent by reliable breeders who produce nothing but hungry lady bird predators..
Other Natural Alternatives For Spider Mites And Other Bugs
Using neem oil can be a brilliant deterrent especially when correctly diluted with soapy water. When applying ensure that the top and under parts of the leaf are well sprayed. The benefit of neem oil which originates from a tree which repels insects is that the spider mites will become discouraged by the constant spraying of a potent smelling insect repellent. A good tip is to make sure the diluted mix is very fine and will not coat the leaf with such a texture, it has a negative impact on the plants. Other natural alternatives are Chervil, Basil, Mint:, Chamomile, Coriander and Marigold plants, as all these plants contain terpenes that spider mites, whitefly, thrips, and the general pest try hard to avoid as well as helping blend in your canopy with the companion pants. Good Luck discovering how good at cleaning up your garden these underrated lady birds really are. By Stoney Tark