How to Make Canna Cooking Oil

Liz Filmer
27 Feb 2022

Cannabis cooking oil is adaptable and uncomplicated to make. You can infuse any type of oil, such as canola, coconut, vegetable, olive, sesame or peanut oil, and others.

We are using Coconut oil as it is naturally dairy-free, vegan, plant-based and allergen-friendly. It also has a high-fat content. This is important because cannabinoids bind well to fats. The higher the fat content of your oil, the more cannabinoids your end product will contain.

Canna-Coconut oil can substitute in any recipe that uses regular oil or butter. Cooking oil also has a long shelf life, making it a very economical choice as a canna infusion.

 Cannabis-infused oil can be added to anything: sauté some veggies, fry up some eggs, mix it in a salad dressing, or anything else.

To make your canna oil, you need two ingredients—sixteen ounces of organic coconut oil (refined or unrefined) and 1 ounce of decarboxylated cannabis Flower. 

Place your pot in a pan of water, bring to a boil and keep it there for 2-3 hours. Grind your decarboxylated weed. Place it in a good quality mason jar suitable for canning and add your coconut oil.

As it takes a few hours to infuse coconut oil, an odour may be unavoidable in your kitchen. Turn on a vent or fan to keep any smells at bay. If you can open a window, great, but stick to using a fan or vent if you have close neighbours and want to be discreet.

Coconut oil appears solid at room temperature. When using it as a liquid ingredient, you can gently heat it as needed. Remove jar and strain mixture through cheesecloth into a fresh mason jar, allow to cool and seal.

There is no "one size fits all" for edibles and infusions, so approach with caution. For the first use of oil, replace one teaspoon of regular oil or butter in your canna-oil recipe and see the results. Depending on your tolerance and what effects you want, you can add more or less oil to your following recipe. 

You can also play around with the ratios of Flower to oil when you are making your next batch if you want an overall stronger or weaker effect. You can work out the potential potency of your oil if you know the THC percentage of your chosen strain using a free online "edibles dosage calculator".

Liz Filmer