CBD Effective for Various Sleep Conditions
A Croatian research team recently confirmed the effectiveness of CBD for daytime sleepiness. CBD has also been used successfully for "fatigue". There are differences between tiredness, EDS, fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). CBD can help treat these conditions.
Daytime sleepiness & EDS
Daytime sleepiness is a phenomenon that most of us are familiar with when the day lasts longer than we have energy reserves. Many notice a drop in energy and concentration, especially in the afternoon. EDS - Excessive Daytime Sleepiness - is an increased form of it, which is similar but not identical to fatigue and can sometimes even occur with it, which makes the distinction even more difficult.
Fatigue & ME/CFS
Fatigue, on the other hand, is a pathological exhaustion, a concomitant disease and sometimes a chronic symptom of diseases such as cancer, multiple sclerosis or arthritis. The enormous physical and mental exhaustion often occurs without previous exertion and cannot be combated by sleep, exercise or rest. Describing it as tiredness is often perceived by those affected and those treating it as trivialization.
However, the term 'fatigue' often fails to convey the severity of the limitation and disability that the symptom brings with it.
Fatigue can also be the eponymous symptom of chronic fatigue syndrome. In technical terms, it is called myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME/CFS) and is a severe neuroimmunological disease in its own right. Unfortunately, it is characterized by the fact that even the smallest exertion can lead to a worsening of the overall symptoms.
How Can CBD Help?
Fortunately, CBD is now used in a variety of medical applications, so there are numerous reports and studies on its healing effects. Among other things, CBD has been shown to have an astonishing improvement in fatigue caused by multiple sclerosis.
A positive effect that now also seems to be confirmed in cases of regular fatigue, as a Croatian research team was able to prove. In a randomized and placebo-controlled study, after 5 weeks, patients who received CBD showed, although not a generally improved sleep experience, at least reduced fatigue and a balanced mental state.
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