Cannabis-friendly vacation destinations

Liz Filmer
16 Mar 2025

In some countries, cannabis will get you jail time. Others have legalized it completely. Then there are the "grey areas" where weed is socially acceptable enough that authorities purposely look the other way.

Let's look at some potential holiday destinations where weed is legal or "legal-ish" to some degree.


In 2018, Canada legalized recreational marijuana. The minimum age that you can buy cannabis from a licensed dispensary varies depending on the individual province but is between 18 and 21. 

The United States

Laws vary state by state. In some, you can smoke cannabis only for medicinal purposes; Others are much more liberal and allow recreational use. In others, carrying any amount can get you thrown into prison. It all depends on which state you're in.


Private, personal use of recreational weed under 5 grams is decriminalized. It's still illegal—as is growing and selling—but keep it discreet, and you should be ok.


In late 2017, the government of Belize decriminalized cannabis in amounts up to 10 grams. If you've gotten direct permission, you can smoke it in private.

Costa Rica

It's technically illegal to smoke, but there are no legal penalties if you do. Weed is commonplace, and it's pretty relaxed to smoke out on the beach.


Weed was decriminalized for all in 2015. Rastafarians can use limitless amounts without repercussions. You can expect numerous friendly strangers to approach with local produce offers within minutes of getting on the beach.


Cultivating, selling, and transporting large quantities large amounts is illegal. Still, cannabis use is normalized, and possession has been decriminalized. 


Colombia has enjoyed decriminalizing cannabis of up to 20 grams for the last ten years. Officially it is illegal to sell or grow. Still, the country's detailed history with the drug trade has given it a great perspective on how harmful weed is compared with other drugs.


Whilst it's illegal to cultivate or sell when it comes to personal use, you're ok—so long as you don't exceed 10 grams.


As long as you don't involve yourself with growing or selling, they are pretty liberal. Enjoy smoking at home or in private; they're cool with it.


Weed is legal for anyone over 18. People must register with the government before buying, selling, or growing. As of 2017, you can purchase cannabis flower from regular pharmacies.


In restaurants in Cambodia, any dish or menu marked "Happy" is likely to be cannabis-infused. Weed is illegal but culturally accepted, easy to find, and cheap.


Marijuana is illegal in Laos, but the policy is rarely enforced. Keep it on the down low, and you will be ok. You'll find "happy" meals like in Cambodia too.


Those 18 or over can enjoy no more than 3 grams of weed. Don't smoke in public, and you will be fine.


The momentum to legalize these days is vast. Sale and cultivation are illegal, but possessing small amounts for personal use is a misdemeanour. You may face a fine but won't end up in jail.


Malta legalized recreational cannabis for personal use in 2021 and became the first EU country to do so. It is legal to carry up to 7 grams, but smoking in public is outlawed. There is a retail system, and home grows are allowed.

The Netherlands

You have legally been allowed to smoke in coffee shops for decades. Although illegal to grow, many of the best-known cultivars originate from that part of the world. 


Portugal decriminalized drugs back in 2001. Instead of prison time, you might get a fine or "substance-abuse treatment." You can carry up to 25 grams at a time. This has been working well in tackling opioid addiction. 


Spain's famous smoking clubs became fully legalized in the northern Catalonia region in 2017. If not in a club, keep smoking discreetly and not brazenly in public.


Possession of small amounts is decriminalized, and there's a push to get some cannabis clubs going. You will likely get a small fine if you're over 18 and caught up to 10 grams.


As of 2018, possession and consumption are allowed, with the Courts declaring that "consumption of marijuana is an action protected by the right to free personality." 


 Sale and cultivation are no-nos here, but personal use of amounts under 7.5 grams will be punished by a fine—no jail time.


Personal use is decriminalized, as is Medical weed. Be careful, though, as even small amounts of marijuana and other "light drugs" can earn tourists a hefty fine depending on the circumstances.

The Czech Republic

Possession here is decriminalized for up to 15 grams. Medical usage is also legal. Be discreet about things, and you are good to go.

South Africa

Cannabis is decriminalized for personal consumption in private homes, and is legal for personal use, Just keep it low profile.

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Liz Filmer