How Do You Store Cannabis the Right Way?

Stephen Andrews
09 Mar 2025

Cannabis flower is pretty durable, but aging may still play its part. That is why it’s important to store cannabis buds properly. If you have a stash of cannabis that you don’t use for a bit of time now, you can notice that the buds are getting dryer and the smoke hits harsher on the throat. Smoking those buds may not deliver an ideal experience so to speak. Below, let's see what is the right way to store your cannabis, and what are some of the common approaches people use to keep their buds fresh?

If you purchase cannabis in bulk but don’t smoke too often, it’s understandable if some of the buds that stay for too long lose their quality after a while. Just like other herbs and fruits from nature, weed undergoes its own process of degradation. Buds become more brittle and dry, and they also become less THC potent along the way. 

Aged weed does not get you as much high as it does when the buds are fresh, because THC degrades into another cannabinoid, that is CBN. This second cannabinoid is an oxidized form of THC which is not as psychoactive and in fact makes you more sleepy. Degradation also means loss of terpenes, thus there would be a change in taste and flavor as well. That would partly explain why if you smoke cannabis that was stored with little care, it doesn’t go as smoothly. 

How to Properly Store Your Cannabis Buds? 

Cannabis mainly degrades when it’s not adequately kept. It’s really important to store cannabis in an air-tight container, somewhere in a dark place, in a room where it’s not too warm nor too humid. Exposure to oxygen and heat is the main reason why THC levels begin to drop in cured buds. Keeping the stash in a room where it’s super humid may cause other problems, including appearance of mold. 

Here is what you should do to keep your cannabis the right way: 

1. Use Air-Tight Containers 

It’s recommended to store cannabis flower in an air-tight glass or ceramic container. You can also use vacuum bags, though a mason jar really is the best of options. Mason jars will not let in any oxygen that might spoil your stash. Glass containers keep buds safe and fresh. Vacuum bags as well preserve the freshness of buds, since no air goes inside. However, a problem might be the material which can sometimes alternate the taste and smell of stored weed. 

2. Keep it Somewhere Dark 

Exposure to light is another factor that can easily devalue your weed all too early. While light is essential for cannabis when it grows, once buds are collected they do need to be stored in a dark place. When growers cure their harvest, this process also takes place in a darkened room. Subsequently, the container where you store your cannabis should rightly stay someplace dark, such as a cupboard or a drawer. 

3. Adjust Room Temperature 

The ideal room temperature for storing your marijuana should be somewhere around 70°F (or 21°C). If it’s too warm inside, such as above 80°F, the weed can degrade and catch mold, and that’s something that you definitely don’t want to inhale.

storing cannabis for prolonged period of time

What Can You Do for Prolonged Storage? 

If you are emptying those jars in a few weeks, a mason jar in a cool dark place is all you need so that the buds maintain their freshness. But if you plan on sticking with the same jar for the next couple of months, consider placing humidity packets in your airtight storage container. 

Just think of how some people condition their dried out tobacco with a slice of apple. Humidity packets work in a similar way and help the storage of cannabis buds for an extra period of time. Once placed in the container, the packs keep steady humidity levels of around 60%, sufficient to sustain the buds.

Alternatively, you can use a humidor, which can be a bit more costly. A humidor is a storage container originally designed to maintain the optimal temperature and humidity recommended for keeping cigars. You can use humidors also when you need to store cannabis for an extended period of time. 

Is It a Good Idea to Freeze Cannabis in the Fridge? 

Food can stay good in the freezer for months, but what about cannabis? You might think that putting your weed in the fridge is a big no. The problem is obvious. When you take it out of the fridge, the trichomes - where all the resin is - quickly break off. So, we’ve been led to believe that freezing is not the right way to store your cannabis, the last thing you want to do with your weed. 

However, freezing can actually work pretty well in some circumstances. You can effectively store your cannabis and prolong its life in the freezer for 1-2 years. It is an extraordinary measure for storing your buds, and it should be done very carefully. 

If you really have to freeze cannabis - it’s best to use a vacuum sealer. The second important thing is when you finally decide to take the weed out of the freezer. It needs to be handled with extra caution. Do not touch the buds, just let them defrost naturally. The top layers of your flower may not be as good as they were a year ago, but the rest of the bud should be well-preserved. 

You should consider freezing your cannabis stash only when you don’t have another solution. For instance, when you have harvested or purchased too much weed and turns out you will be away from home for months or even a year. 

Is It Bad to Smoke Aged Buds? 

Some cannabis connoisseurs believe that people should not make such a big deal of age as a factor. That some strains are best smoked months after harvest and curing. You may have noticed yourself that weed tastes, smells and feels different if you smoke it immediately after the curing is finished. Then, a few months later, it’s a different story. The high may feel more powerful, making for a better smoke. Though, that’s not necessarily always the case. And it would really depend on the strain, as well as your preferences and what do you personally expect from smoking weed. 

In sum, there’s really nothing wrong if you smoke buds that have aged a little. As long as cannabis is stored correctly and all the trichomes and terpenes well-preserved, everything should be fine. 

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Stephen Andrews