Denver Backs Off Porch Pot Ban

Soft Secrets
02 Dec 2013

Mayor Michael Hancock proposed severe restrictions on outdoor smoking on private properties

Mayor Michael Hancock proposed severe restrictions on outdoor smoking on private properties

SOURCE: Associated Press

DENVER-Denver officials have backed off a plan to prohibit marijuana use on front porches and in front yards.

The Denver Post reports that Denver City Council on Monday rejected an ordinance that would have banned smoking marijuana on private property if it was in public view.

An earlier draft of the ordinance was approved last week.

The council had been wrestling with this issue for several weeks. Mayor Michael Hancock proposed severe restrictions on outdoor smoking on private properties. That version would have banned smoking in backyards if it could be smelled by neighbors. The Council voted 7-6 Monday against language banning marijuana use on private property.

Councilwoman Debbie Ortega said she will offer a new proposal that would ban smoking anywhere within 1,000 feet of a school.

(Additional information via The Denver Post.)

Soft Secrets