Cannabis Etiquette

Soft Secrets
08 Dec 2014

The following are merely suggestions on how to politely consume Cannabis with others, and should be taken as such.

The following are merely suggestions on how to politely consume Cannabis with others, and should be taken as such.

Rules for Medibles in Polite Society
When preparing edibles for potlucks, make mildly potent fare - or be clear with your warnings. Use small portion sizes and consider including non-Cannabis snack foods in case guest appetites become encouraged by the edibles. If attending a potluck, make sure to either bring what you have agreed to bring, or a fair substitute; avoid showing up empty-handed, if possible.

When consuming edibles made by someone else, do not exceed their recommended portion size until you are confident that you feel the full effects. Edibles have a much longer onset time than inhaling smoke or vapor, and as such are more prone to unintentional over-consumption if a person continues to eat while the effects of what has already been eaten have yet to be felt.

Multiple lit joints can make the circle go faster

Group Smoking Sessions
The social consumption of Cannabis in a circle can add enjoyment to a shared experience, but as in most things social, observing at least a few manners helps to keep things going smoothly.

When attending a smoking session, bring some Cannabis with you, if possible. If you are going to be consuming someone else's weed, it is good form to contribute a bit more than what you personally smoke. It is acceptable to either contribute the same amount that you smoke - or just smoke your own - but at the very least, try to contribute something. For those not contributing Cannabis, make sure to personally thank the source of whatever you consume, and make some attempt to contribute in another way (bring snacks for everyone, volunteer to roll the joints, be extra nice, etc.)

If the host has not offered smoke to you and you begin to become impatient, offer them a taste of yours. Unless expressly invited to, do not load a pipe or help yourself to someone else's stash.

Cannabis in social settings is often consumed in a circle, where one person passes to the next until it reaches the origin, after which this repeats until the Cannabis is consumed and someone lights another to begin the cycle again. While in a circle, if someone to your left hands you the smoke, pass it to the next person on your right after enjoying it, and vice-versa. If you are starting the round, either pass in the same direction as has been established, or hand off to either side, if it is the first smoke of the night.

Public Health Concerns of Sharing Smoke
I cannot in good conscience advocate sharing pipes, joints, rigs, etc. - at least not between people whom you would not kiss on the lips. However, I have been known to circle up and pass a joint or a pipe between friends (and occasionally strangers), and in many social situations it is considered to be polite. If you do share a pipe with others, make sure to wipe any spittle from the pipe before passing and do not 'fish lip' or otherwise overly moisten the end of a joint being passed around.

If you are ill with anything that may be contagious, the best form is to bow out of circles and just consume solo. If you are not contagious but still show any symptoms of the illness, it may be acceptable to smoke in the same area as others, by either smoking your own, finishing the end of a joint, etc. - as long as nobody smokes after you.

Do not consume more than your normal amount; there is no need to impress other smokers, especially if it increases the chances that you will become unwell

Do Not Over-Consume
Dabs, some bongs and one-hitters are designed to be entirely consumed in a single hit. Taking an overly large hit out of bravado is both wasteful and disrespectful to the owner of the Cannabis.

The first hit from a freshly packed pipe is known as 'the honor'. Whether as a guest or as a host, it is considered to be polite to give the other person the honor of taking the first hit, or at least refuse it once before accepting.

Pipes holding enough for more than one hit should be 'cornered': hold the lighter to one edge (instead of above the center of the bowl) so that a column of material is burned, leaving some 'green' completely unburned for those following in the circle.

When it is your turn, pause your conversation or what you are doing and take your puffs, then promptly pass to the next person. Holding on to the Cannabis for too long forces the following circle members to wait for you.

If the Cannabis is taking too long to make it back to you, consider starting a second joint (or third) with what you have brought.

Once the Cannabis has been smoked, and the value of what is in the pipe has been 'cashed out', either refill the pipe and pass normally, or return the pipe to the owner.

If during the session, you achieve your desired effect, do not feel compelled in any fashion to continue. It is common for some folks to pass or 'tap out' when they have had enough. A pass simply skips a turn, often without anyone saying anything, while tapping out tends to signify that the person is done for at least the next twenty to thirty minutes or so. Moderation is a key element of polite smoking; the wisdom of knowing one's limitations trumps the machismo of conspicuous over-consumption. Under no circumstances should anyone be encouraged to consume more than the amount with which they are comfortable.

As with many things considered polite, empathy is the key - consider the point of view of the other person or people. Part of why it is polite to bring along some weed is that this prevents harsh thoughts of freeloading. Part of why it is polite to corner -light a shared pipe is so that all get a taste. Part of why folks should not be encouraged to overdo it is that people should look out for each other. Smoking socially can be a lot of fun, especially when people are treated with the respect that they deserve.

Peace, love and puka shells,


Soft Secrets