Weed Hangover and How to Handle It

13 Sep 2020

Foggy brain, headaches, sensitivity and zero productivity is the price you pay the next day after having a night of reckless boozy indulgence. But, what about weed, is that a thing? Well, while there isn’t yet substantial research on ‘cannabis hangovers,’ some potheads swear they have experienced typical hangover symptoms after a night of a serious puffing session. As early as 1985, a study published in Drug and Alcohol Dependence, conducted on 13 male cannabis users, concludes that after a night of the smoking session, some consumers showed subtle but visible hangover symptoms. In a more recent study exploring the perspectives of medical weed among patients with chronic pain, the most reported side effect of cannabis was a foggy, non-alert feeling in the morning.


So, when are you likely to get ‘the weed blues’?

As with booze, overindulging in weed might introduce hangover symptoms the following morning. So, every time you binge bong rips, there is a fair chance the next morning, you will feel like a stampede of elephants stumped on your head. Unlike alcohol-fueled hangovers, which sometimes can be on the brutal side, hangovers from weed are way milder, as cannabis is not as toxic as its boozy counterpart. So here are some symptoms that are most common in ‘weed hangovers’ and our two cents on how to deal with them.

What causes a weed hangover?

Hangovers from weed happen when your body is slowly getting rid of the excess amount of THC. Even when you are done with your weed adventure, its effects are not done with you; THC is still present in your body the following morning. The psychoactive compound of cannabis, tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC binds to your fat cells internally. And these lingering remnants of the cannabinoid are essentially the reason for the next-day grogginess, as you likely are feeling some underlying sensations of the ‘yesterday’s high.’ You are especially likely to suffer a ‘weed hangover’ if you, instead of smoking, had heavy doses of edibles, which usually have a super high concentration of THC and the high can linger on for 20 hours. When you eat an edible, your liver metabolizes the THC into a more potent compound called THC-COOH. The compound will then move from the body into the brain, leading to your drowsiness the next day.

1. Foggy Brain

Brain fog or fatigue is the likely result of over-stimulated CB1 receptors and for everyone who has taken a bit more weed in the evening would know this sensation in the morning. Studies have found that weed tends to slow down your cognitive function and mess with your perception of time and short-term memory. Another logical explanation for feeling drowsy the next day is that you probably have sacrificed a few hours of sleep. What to do about it? Drinking coffee when you are drowsy from a hangover is like adding oil to a broken car. So stay away from the coffee and find a healthier energy booster like Kombucha tea, fresh juice, or smoothies. Have a cold shower, power walk or do some lightweight exercise like yoga.

2. Dehydration

Studies show that THC binds itself to the CB1 receptors attached to the glands responsible for creating 70% of our saliva and therefore stops the gland from doing its jobs. However, some health experts say that dehydration is not directly related to cannabis consumption, but that you probably were not hydrated enough when you’ve started your puffing season. What to do about it? Well, this is not a thinker. Drink plenty of water to rehydrate and replenish your organism. By drinking plenty of water, you can also boost your metabolism and get rid of toxins. Apart from water, chew some fruits and veggies throughout the day. 

3. Headaches

While cannabis is well-noted for its abilities to treat migraines, headaches can be a weed hangover symptom, but it’s more likely to happen when you are still baked. If you are not hydrated enough, the next day, you’ll suffer a dehydration headache. What to do about it? Well, the next time you are planning to rely on that bong for the entire night, make sure you have a glass-nay bottle of water on reach. Or stay away from alcohol, as it will dehydrate you additionally.

Other things you can do if you are experiencing a weed hangover?

A weed hangover is generally subtle and tends to pass before you know it. However, if you feel particularly couched-locked, dehydrated and woozy, there are things that you can try. 

  • Stay hydrated. We know, it’s repetitive, and it’s not rocket science. But after a night of hazy adventures, your body is dehydrated and desperately needs water. So, drink up.
  • Eat a healthy meal. If you had a wild binge pot-smoking session, you got the munchies and pigged out on junk food. So, it would be only fair to your body to eat something healthy like soup or salad.
  • Stay away from toxins. You might think that the poison is the cure, but you won’t help yourself. Stay away from alcohol, coffee and everything that can possibly lead to another hangover and headache.
  • Work out. Many studies have shown that exercise promotes the production of Endorphin, which is a healing hormone. So go for a run, go to the gym or a long walk. It Might help you feel better.

Bottom Line

Even though weed hangovers are not as notorious as the alcohol-fueled hangovers are, if you are experiencing drowsiness and headaches after a smoking session, it’s most likely you are overdoing it.
