Trick or Truth? The Urban Legend of Halloween Edibles

Remember all the urban myths you heard as a kid, like the one about the person (friend, sister, cousin's, cousin once removed) who asked for a chicken mayo in McDonald's with no mayo. However, when biting into the burger, they found what they thought was mayo on it.... but that mayo turned out to be a pus-filled cyst on the chicken that had burst!!! God, if I had a pound for every time, I heard that one! Never put me off McDonald's, though. (Other Burger restaurants are available!)
Another one you may be familiar with was the one about razor blades in Halloween trick or treat candy. Well, it looked like that one has been upgraded for the next generation. A "warning" was doing the rounds in the press. Urging parents to be wary of Halloween candy that might be cannabis edibles that are being dished out to innocent, unsuspecting, "trick or treating" Kiddiewinks!
The mainstream tabloid type news outlets pick up these unfounded 'warnings'. They see the potential for a great shock headline to cause widespread panic by posting articles about the 'dangers' of cannabis-infused Halloween candy.
It's a phenomenon that has been very common in the United States over the last few years that is now spreading to Europe. Most recently, in Ireland, the Department of Education has issued an official warning about Halloween candy.
"The prevalence of these edible products containing THC in communities and schools is a growing cause for concern. Parents and guardians should be extra vigilant during festivities such as Halloween where the risk of accidental consumption is considerably higher."
However, despite the propaganda, there is no credible evidence of the handing out of cannabis-laced candy at Halloween, either in Ireland or anywhere else.
That, of course, will come as no shock to anyone who knows much about Cannabis, as they will understand that edibles are not cheap. No responsible cannabis consumer will waste loads of money to try to make kids ill as part of a Halloween prank!
I'm not saying that it couldn't happen, which makes you think, is all this publicity working in reverse by just encouraging and baiting someone to give it a go?
But the chances of it being so pre-meditated and large scale is frankly ridiculous. I mean, it would be much easier and cheaper to spike their party drinks with alcohol, and that's a legal drug.
There's no doubt that keeping Cannabis away from kids is of utmost importance. However, inducing the general public into a "Reefer Madness" throwback is not doing anyone any good. If anything, it is just helping Cannabis prohibitionists get the publicity they crave, to cling to prohibition.