Cheese in table model part 3
18-1-2018, a pleasant surprise
The Spliff Cheese autoflowers are standing since halve November in my G-tools table model grow box. Almost 2 months now. Still I think that I can leave them for another week or two. The seeds are placed in a coffee filter on the 5th of November to germ. Quite a ride it has been. If I can harvest around the 5th of February the whole cycles would have took 3 months. But the yield is great then to. Unbelievable how big, fat and heavy the tops are feeling right now. Like I said I would let the plants stand for another 2 weeks so the weight will only increase even more. The Hans panel 100w led grow light has the perfect spectrum and intensity voor the surface of the grow box. G-tools and Hans panel seems to be the ‘’perfect match’’. In my life I have only grown plants outside once, so I don’t have much experience with that. I thought growing with a LED lamp would be something special, only for people who know exactly what they are doing. But nothing seems less true. After transferring the plants I did nothing else then turning the LED lamp on the ‘’bloom setting’’ and placed the supporting sticks in front of the plant. Since a week the plants can’t carry their own weight anymore. I haven’t given food or stimulators in the water. [caption id="attachment_8155" align="alignnone" width="500"] The two Cheese Autoflowers in the Bonanza grow box on 18-1-2018[/caption] [caption id="attachment_8156" align="alignnone" width="500"] The tops are becoming larger but can increase in their width.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_8157" align="alignnone" width="500"] The plants can stay for another week or two in the grow box under the lamp.[/caption]
5-2-2018, harvest
The tops haven’t become much bigger in the past 2 weeks, but they have increased in width and have become heavier. The resin production in the trichomes has exploded. These glands produce the resin that has to protect the plant against parasites, cold and warmth. Over time this resin begins to discolour. When this looks like a milky white haze that covers the tops, the plants are ready to be harvested. My plants are ready for the scissor. The tops seems to be rolled in powder sugar and are spreading a very nice sweet scent.The carbon filter in the Bonanza grow box ensures that even in this stadium you cant smell anything outside of the box, ideal. [caption id="attachment_8158" align="alignnone" width="500"] 5-2-2018. The tops are hanging with their full weight against the walls of the Bonanza grow box.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_8159" align="alignnone" width="500"] Like it’s rolled through the powder sugar.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_8160" align="alignnone" width="500"] Until the last day the Spliff Cheese Autoflowers have been standing under the hans panel.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_8161" align="alignnone" width="500"] It can be harvested now.[/caption] The harvesting of the plants was very quick. I have cut the plant at the bottom of the stem and cleaned the tops. A lot of the big leaves had already died during the cultivation cycles and I have also removed some leaves myself. There wasn’t much work to be done anymore. The Bonanza grow box also functions as a drying room. The fan causes enough air circulation to make the tops equally mature. Even now I can’t smell anything in the room where the grow box is standing.
The tops are dry and ready for consumption. After cutting all tops from the plant and weighted everything I got 97 grams of weed. I now have enough medicine, even after summer is already over. Not bad. [caption id="attachment_8162" align="alignnone" width="500"] The grow box is ideal to let the plants dry.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_8163" align="alignnone" width="500"] One of the most beautiful tops after cutting.[/caption]
Readers deal:
Do you also want to get start in an G-tools Bonanza mini greenhouse? For all our Soft Secrets readers we have made an special deal, which exist of: • Bonanza 0,35m2 table model greenhouse inclusive Hanspanel 100W. lamp. • Transport with courier in Europe. This complete package with an street value of €630,- you can order here for only €595,- More information: Instruction video how to build the table model greenhouse: Order: Yes, I would like to order the G-kit Bonanza table model with an Hanspanel 100W. lamp! I will deposit 595,- euros on account number: IBAN NL13INGB000.8806.319 (BIC INGBNL2A) in the name of: Mager en van Dijk, with the description of: G-Kit Soft Secrets and my own name. [contact-form-7 id="4733" title="Order form”]