Cheese in table model part 2

Soft Secrets
29 Jan 2018

18-12-2017, So far so good

The climate and the lighting in the G-tools grow box seems to please the plants. I also like the mini box very well. In the beginning I was somewhat skeptical about the user-friendliness but the removable sliding doors give good access to the plants, the cabinet is silent and until now it is odor-free. However, one plant seems to stretch a bit more than the other. The difference in length between the two is already considerable. What one plant has in length has the other in fullness. In the beginning I suffered from a trips attack. Trips are insects that suck the sap from the leaves of the plants. They can form a real plague that eventually kills the plantsThe plants are now so healthy and strong that the trips no longer get a grip on the plants.As long as a plant is healthy and has a solid cell structure, the trips do not get a grip on the plants. 

2-1-2018, water and bread

For some time now I have the Hanspanel LED lamp on full power. The lamp is on the flowering position and the dimmer is completely open. The plants really grow like cabbage. On 18.12 the smallest of the two plants was 27 cm and the largest 37 cm high. Today again I have measured the plants, the smaller one was 58cm and the larger one already 64cm. The difference between the 2 plants is getting smaller. The last two weeks the little one was on an elevation so that both plants with their tops are about the same distance from the LED lamp. I have not given the plants nutrition, root stimulator or other supplements so far. The guy from G-tools who delivered and built the cabinet here assured me that the Guanokalong soil contains enough nutrients to survive the first 6 weeks. So far the plants have been given only water. The need for water is growing fast lately. Depending on how dry the earth feels in the pot, I dose the amount of water. At the moment I give each plant between 500 and 700ML per day. In order to achieve a nice return, I want to start by replenishing the plants. Even though there is still nothing visible of malnutrition, I'm going to start with a bloom in the coming weeks and in a week or two with a bloom stimulator. More about that in the next episode. As can be seen clearly in the photos, the flowering has already started well. In the meantime, a nice top has already appeared on each branch, the size of a small finger. It's a pity that I only have the photos to show ... the smell of the buds is already delicious. 

Readers deal:

Do you also want to get start in an G-tools Bonanza mini greenhouse? For all our Soft Secrets readers we have made an special deal, which exist of: • Bonanza 0,35m2 table model greenhouse inclusive Hanspanel 100W. lamp. • Transport with courier in Europe. This complete package with an street value of €630,- you can order here for only €595,- More information: Instruction video how to build the table model greenhouse: Order: Yes, I would like to order the G-kit Bonanza table model with an Hanspanel 100W. lamp! I will deposit 595,- euros on account number: IBAN NL13INGB000.8806.319 (BIC INGBNL2A) in the name of: Mager en van Dijk, with the description of: G-Kit Soft Secrets and my own name. [contact-form-7 id="4733" title="Order form”]

Soft Secrets