Cannabis tea for two (play on 420)

20 Apr 2019

Re-discovering ancient cannabis methods in the modern worldBy Rich Hamilton

There are many ways to enjoy cannabis, from smoking, to Vaping and edibles. One market that is currently seeing a huge amount of innovation and expansion thanks to the beginnings of legalisation in the USA and Canada, is the drinks industry. Brand giants from both the soft drinks and alcohol sectors are investing heavily in the research and development of potential cannabis drink products that could revolutionise the legal cannabis market and change the face of what cannabis consumption looks like, forever. Whilst the general sale of such products is still a long way off (along with international legalisation) there are options that allow you to enjoy all the benefits of cannabis in a drink form, for little expense and effort, in the comfort of your own home or discreetly when you are out and about. A cup of tea will draw much less attention than having a joint in your hand. So, where do you start? Well first, decide on the purpose of your tea. Do you want the "high" effects of the THC? Or do you just want general health and well being benefits? Or both? Let’s cover a few basics first. Raw live cannabis contains THCA and CBDA, which are the non-psychoactive cannabinoid foundations of the more famous THC and CBD. THCA and CBDA convert into THC and CBD through a process called decarboxylation where the dried cannabis is heated. The conversion process begins after the plant is harvested and begins to dry out but in order to really maximise the conversion you need to add a flame. A high temperature will make sure the conversion takes place in full.   Cannabis tea for two (play on 420) In short, THCA cannot get you high and CBDA is much less medicinal than CBD. The conversion process starts when the plant is cut and is drying out. Tea is a drink brewed at a high temperatures meaning that any cannabis used (dry or not) once heated, will decarboxylate more once it is heated by the hot water. It is therefore pretty much impossible to make a tea that will not get you even slightly high. If you absolutely do not want to feel any of the psychoactive effects of cannabis, then juicing raw fresh young cannabis into juices and smoothies is a much better idea. Raw Chinese and Jamaican style Cannabis herbal tea is an easy way to feel all the effects of non psychoactive THCA and CBDA as a dietary supplement without getting noticeably high. This tea is commonly made from young cannabis plants that are not yet at full ripe maturity, making for a much less potent tea that delivers all the cannabinoids possible whilst only inducing a mellow, relaxing, mild body high with little cerebral effect. To Put the strength of this tea in perspective, it was traditional for mothers of rural working-class families in Jamaica to give their children this "ganja tea" several times a week if not daily to help keep them healthy for the strenuous farm work and school work that they had to partake in. It was said that it helped keep them focused and energised whilst not affecting their performance. If this sounds like your cup of tea, here's how to do it. 1. Cut and thoroughly grind about half a gram of fresh young cannabis stems, leaves and buds for each serving. 2. Spoon ground mixture into a metal tea ball and place in mug 3. Heat water but do not allow to boil ( this is important as too high a temperature will cause your cannabis to start decarboxylating) think how hot a normal cup of tea is when you have just put the milk in. 4. Pour the warm/hot water into the mug and leave to brew for as long as you like depending on your desired strength. At this point you can also add regular tea or sweeten to flavour. 5. Milk and cream should not be added as the THC will bind to any fat and become more psychoactive. If you want your tea with more of a THC kick then an Indian "Bhang" inspired tea is ideal. Bhang is a strong psychoactive ancient tea, that has its origins with the Hindu religion, which views cannabis as a sacred plant. It is made from ground cannabis buds, milk, butter, spices and sweeteners like cinnamon honey and cloves. Think "Chai latte" and you are getting there. It was first made around 1000 BC and remains the official drink of the Holi Festival of Colours in India. It is also still used during meditation, and yoga to help achieve transcendental states. Medicinally it is used in North India to treat symptoms of anxiety, fever, dysentery, digestion, colds and flu, nausea and even language and speech problems! In terms of the effect it will have, half a gram of cannabis buds is adequate to induce a long lasting manageable body buzz, similar to the kind induced by edibles, that will kick in about 45-90 minutes after consumption of your tea There are many variations of recipe but here is a good one to start. 1. For one serving, grind up half a gram of cannabis buds and add to a blender with 1/2 gram of butter, 250ml of whole milk and 1 tsp vanilla extract. Blend until thick and smooth. The Milk, cream, butter, and the fats held within them aid in the psychoactive effect by binding with the cannabinoids and enhancing any psychoactive effects. 2. Leave the mixture for at least 1 hour in order to allow everything to infuse and combine fully, allowing aromas and flavour to develop. 3. Heat 125ml of water in a pan to boil and then keep at a low simmer. Add your mixture from the blender. Allow to simmer for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally and adding small amounts of water to keep mixture from over thickening or burning. 4. Remove from heat and add a chai tea bag. Brew for as long as you like dependent on the strength of flavour desired. 5. Take chai tea bag out and strain the mixture through a fine mesh/sieve, over a big mug. 6. add sweeteners, milk, cream, cinnamon or toppings like marshmallows or chocolate powder and serve!   Cannabis tea for two (play on 420) You will find a whole host of recipes online for all tastes and needs. Once you have mastered these basic recipes, the possibilities are endless in terms of creativity and playing with flavours and effects. Cannabis has so many undeniable benefits for mind and body, whether consumed raw or dried . It contains a plethora of vitamins, minerals, terpenes and non-psychoactive cannabinoids, such as CBD, CBN, and CBG. These cannabinoids can work as an anti-inflammatory, an anticonvulsant, an appetite suppressant, a mood enhancer and a notable source of magnesium, needed for various body functions, including the regulating of blood sugar levels and blood pressure. It also contains Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, which hold powerful health advantages for both body and mind, alongside various amino acids which are a great support in assisting the body with muscle building. Cannabis tea offers you a great healthy alternative to smoking and can help with many physical and mental conditions, but especially the following... Anxiety and Depression- There are a number of undeniable triggers for anxiety and depression. The first of these being "neuronal inflammation" (chronic inflammation of the central nervous system) which has a proven direct link to stress induced depression. The second trigger is a deficiency in "neurotransmitters" (a chemical messenger which transmits signals across cells and nerves) resulting in a lack of serotonin, an important contributor to our over all feelings of well-being and happiness. Cannabinoids consumed in a tea, help by binding to receptors in both the brain and throughout the body, giving you a mild mellow body high. Pain Relief- Cannabis is safe, non addictive and has successfully been used for treating pain for centuries. It works by the binding of cannabinoids to pain receptors in the central nervous system, which then dampen down any pain signals. Ingesting cannabinoids via tea is great because the tea is absorbed through the digestive system, delivering longer lasting relief throughout the whole body. Digestive Health- Cannabinoids in tea are absorbed mainly by receptors in the digestive tract and so are excellent for helping to maintain good digestive health as well as occasional conditions such as constipation, diarrhoea and acid reflux. They can also relieve symptoms of other mild to moderate digestive conditions such as IBS and its associated cramping. Autoimmune Disorders Cannabis is proven to have anti-inflammatory effects, making it great for multiple sclerosis, arthritis and IBS,to name but a few conditions. Cannabis tea offers an accessible, easy, healthy and effective alternative or compliment to prescription medication. Alzheimer's and Dementia- Recent studies show that THC can slow down and block the production of Beta-amyloid proteins, believed to be the first warning signs of Alzheimer's. These studies have also shown that cannabinoids could offer a protective effect against all kinds of age-related mental deterioration. Teas are great as a preventative measure, fitting in easily with daily routine and appearing less daunting, easier and more acceptable to an older generation who may be wary of all the common misconceptions that they may have concerning cannabis. So whilst the way you choose to consume cannabis is ultimately down to personal preference, cannabis tea is definitely worth trying out. It doesn't have to be for a specific medical reason, it could just be to add a little variety; expanding and enhancing how cannabis fits into your lifestyle and also deepening understanding of how versatile this incredible plant really is.