Alegria in Bonanza G-leds 140 - Part 1

11 Sep 2017

28-8-2017, A new day with new opportunities.

After a long summer holiday, Gert starts his second breeding report. In part 10 of "Milky Way in Bonanza", Gert had already planted 5 Alegria seeds of Kiwiseeds. While Gert enjoyed his well-earned rest somewhere on a beach, the seeds could germinate and grow under a few TLs. This time, Gert had chosen for non-feminized seed, so it seemed better to sow him 5 pieces to increase the chance of at least one female. Unfortunately, there are only still 3 left of the 5 plants.

Today, I finally move the plants to the Bonanza G-Leds 140. The plants have been standing under the TL for more than 5 weeks and are up for a larger pot. I have seen a few "trips" walking on the leaves. Trips are insects that suck the juice from the leaves of the plant. They can become a true plague in "no time" where your plant will eventually die from. So time for treatment.

In the previous report, "Milky Way in Bonanza" I worked with a 250 Watt HPS lamp. The hps lamp has now been replaced for a 140 Watt led lamp of G-tools. Cultivation with LED lights requires some adjustments to achieve the same results as with a hps lamp. The main difference is the low heat output of a led lamp. Due to the higher temperatures of the hps lamp the plants evaporates more water. If you can give the plant more water, you can also give her more nutrition. More nutrition means a larger plant. To compensate this I will try to give the plant 30% more nutrition with water as indicated on the package. I have to be careful not to poison the plant.

All 3 remaining Alegria will go into 12-liter Rootpouch textile pots. Eventually I want to keep one. I chose to water the plants manually. Various watering systems are available for the Bonanza growbox. Useful if you are away from home for a long period of time. Regular water turns will also benefit the final return. The Kiwiseeds store is open 7 days a week so there is always someone to water the plants. Also for this breed, you can admire him on site at the Prins Hendrikkade No. 11 opposite the Central Station in Amsterdam.

The G-leds 140 lamp has 2 buttons that allow the blue and red LEDs to be switched on and off separately. The blue leds are especially for just germinating and growing plants. When the plant is going to bloom, add the red leds. Despite the fact that the plants are already grown under the TLs, I want to let them grow for a week at 18 hours light in 24 hours and only turn on the blue leds. I give them another splash of water with the "Grow" nutrition from the Biobizz Trypack and let the plants get used to their new environment for a week.

Readers deal:

Do you also want to get start in an G-tools Bonanza mini growbox? For all our Soft Secrets readers we have made an special deal, which exist of: • Bonanza 0,35m2 plug & play greenhouse inclusive G-leds 140 Watt lighting. • Swivel fan. • 40 liters sack of Guanokalong 100% biological organic breeding soil. • Starting kit supplements: Bio Bizz Try Pack. • 1x Rootpouch textile pot 12 liters. • Transport with a mini pallet in Europe. This complete package with an street value of €851,60,- you can order here for only €725,- In prevention of transport damage the package will be delivered on an mini pallet (80 x 60 x 120 cm). The transporter will contact you per email or by phone to make an appointment. More information: Instruction video how to build the Bonanza growbow: Order: Yes, I would like to order the G-leds 140 Watt lightning! I will deposit 725,- euros on account number: IBAN NL13INGB000.8806.319 (BIC INGBNL2A) in the name of: Mager en van Dijk, with the description of: G-Kit Soft Secrets and my own name. [contact-form-7 id="4733" title="Order form”]
