Agrobacterias - Maximise your yields

23 Oct 2017
Increasingly big and productive plants are right at your fingertips if you let biotechnology in your garden. Plants will definitely be healthier, stronger and stouter with these organic products, without compromising quality. Your harvests will be extraordinarily rich, with an extraordinary explosion of trichomes. Everything is possible. You just need to add nutrient mixes made with live microorganisms. Agrobacterias now offers a number of products based on active substances developed for horticulture, which help growers avoid attacks from various pests and diseases affecting cannabis, and increase vital processes for the ultimate improvement of the end product quantity and quality. All nutrient mixes are invariably natural and environmentally friendly. In our cannabis experience, we already had the opportunity to test the effectiveness of one of the best products of this nutrient producer, i.e. Bactohemp. In our last crop, we tested Bactomatik and Bactobloom in approximately two thirds of the 30 autos planted in our grow room and reached record results. The strains grown were all autos, 10 Critical Somas from Advanced Seeds, and 10 Chocolate Skunks plus 10 Bubble Gums from 00 Seeds. [caption id="attachment_6577" align="alignnone" width="500"]Agrobacterias - Maximise your yields Auto Bubble Gum. The 6 on the left were treated with Agrobacterias.[/caption]


This is a mix of bacteria living in symbiosis with the plant roots and benefiting the plant by multiple mechanisms. Bactohemp helps remove flowering bacteria and duplicate the bacteria that favour root growth and the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen. It also favours resistance to stress and the lack of water and nutrients. While being suited to any plant, it is particularly indicated for auto strains and can be applied at the earliest appearance of leaf tips curling up, with two or three later applications maximum. In our crop, we applied Bactomatik, during growth, in 6 out of the 10 plants grown for each strain. A few days after the first application, our treated plants were noticeably more developed. During their bloom, we measured a much higher average height of those treated with the product vs. the remaining ones, and 90% of those treated were even bigger and more robust. Our treated Bubble Gums measured 112 cm on average, reaching a peak of 127 cm in a few specimens. The average height of untreated plants, by contrast, did not even reach one metre… even if an untreated Bubble Gum grew up to 123 cm.


Bactobloom is a bacterium-based flower stimulator that is suited for organic farming and also favours the production of sugars. This product contains bacteria favouring growth; the number of bacteria that improve bud size and density is also doubled. It promotes the production of resin and the absorption of insoluble potassium and phosphorus. Finally, it favours the proliferation of secondary roots and rhizosphere life. When applied to our garden in combination with Bactomatik, in the same group of 6 out of 10 plants, we observed and measured a better development during plant flowering. By the naked eye, the resin quantity and the size of flowers were above the levels of untreated plants. We could perfectly see that buds were better formed and had a higher concentration of trichomes. To dispel any doubt, we weighed the harvested quantities and differences were patently clear. The plants treated with Bactomatik and Bactobloom had grown explosively and produced higher amounts of far better weed. The plants treated with Agrobacterias were 10% to 25% heavier. All of them, except one, exceeded 40 grams, and almost half exceed 50 g vs. the average 37 g of untreated plants. The gap was too wide not to appreciate the usefulness of these products, which need to be used in all crops in order to maximise yields. [caption id="attachment_6578" align="alignnone" width="500"]Agrobacterias - Maximise your yields Auto Chocolate Skunk. The 6 on the left were treated with Agrobacterias.[/caption]


This was the first Agrobacterias product we ever used. It is a powerful bio-stimulator for organic farming based on 7 families of bacilli and bacteria living in symbiosis with roots. This mix favours an explosive root growth that contemporary provides protection against fungi (such as Fusarium, Phytophtora or Alternaria), continuously produces cytokinins, auxins and gibberellins, fixes atmospheric nitrogen into the substrate, and consequently stimulates growth. Another advantageous property is its power to make insoluble potassium and phosphorus soluble for a better flowering phase. A single application is sufficient for the full plant life. The plants we treated with Bactohemp grew healthier and more robust, and their flowering was far better in comparison with untreated plants. Agrobacterias also sells a number of special products for the treatment and prevention of pests and diseases.

Pest control and prevention

With such products as Total Explosión, Spider Plant and Snake Poison (100% natural products suited for organic farming), you will obtain protection against, inter alia, attacks of warms and larvae, or the red spider mite and other similar types of pests. With this type of protection, plants will recover easily after external aggressions and their metabolism will contemporarily be strengthened and stimulated. [caption id="attachment_6579" align="alignnone" width="500"]Agrobacterias - Maximise your yields Auto Critical Soma. The 6 on the left were treated with Agrobacterias.[/caption]

Plant strengtheners

Agrobacterias markets a line of wonderful organic fungicides and plant strengtheners to combat various diseases. In particular, Amanitha is a fungicide based on Bacillus Amyloquetaciens to be used effectively against powdery mildew and botrytis. In addition, it stimulates plant development, promotes the proliferation of microbial life, improves plant defences and increases recovery from the stresses caused by fungal diseases. Another organic strengthener and fungicide is Muskaria, a product based on a horsetail and nettle extract, which acts against mildew, powdery mildew and other fungi while increasing the thickness of cell walls to prevent the proliferation of pathogens. Do you want your plants to grow bigger and more resinous? Do you only want to use organic, environmentally friendly products? Then you have no other choice but to nourish and protect them with Agrobacterias products. By TricomaTeam (