5 Top Tips On Watering Cannabis
Once you have bought all your pots, lights, soil, nutrients, and have set up your grow tent, all you need to do now is germinate your seedlings and simply water frequently. Now that may be easier said than done, with many variables that must be taken into consideration. Below are my top 5 tips on watering your Cannabis plants and how to get the most out of your crop.
Tip 1 - The Frequency
One of the reasons why commercial hydroponic farmers growing either Cannabis or fruit and vegetables, have so much success is down to the frequency of feed. This does not refer to the amount of nutrient solution they receive, however the regulated consistent routine that plants become used to. Plants will always respond much better to a regulated feeding cycle, as opposed to whenever it seems fit for the grower.
Applying consistent feeding times and amount of nutrient solution or plain water, is one way to ensure that plants are not overwatered, and can choose the most practical times to water according to the temperature of the grow room.
My top tip here is to invest into a water pump, timer, and set up drip lines / drip rings around your plants. Not only is this an excellent method for those who have a strict water only organic diet, but it also means you do not have to be there in person, and the timer can be set to release a set amount of water multiple times per day if necessary.
Tip 2 - Watering Times
Now that you have a better understanding of how important watering frequency is, the next thing to consider is watering times. Now this can vary depending on which substrate is being used. For example soil, coco coir, rockwool, mapito, hydroton all have different buffering capacities, drainage, and water-retaining qualities.
It is very important to figure out the right amount of water to give your Cannabis plants, as this will increase the more mature they become. For those who are growing with soil and feed only water, or a simple molasses-based nutrient then watering once until drip through is usually the standard treatment. Those who work with coco mixes, and venture off into the hydroponic world will benefit from feeding up to 2-3 times per day during 18/6 and 3-5 times during 12/12.
My top tip here is to feed one hour after lights have come on, and 2-3 hours prior to lights out. Once you have your feeding frequency dialed in, you will discover the optimum E.C levels and what your plants are capable of. Every strain is different so don’t expect one to be as hungry as others and become familiar with the cultivars being grown.
Tip 3 - Promote Dry Periods
Dry periods occur naturally in the wild and when it happens in the grow room, it is not always a bad thing. Allowing your growing medium to dry out intentionally or by accident, will in fact stimulate root growth significantly, as root hairs search for dry pockets and moisture.
Not only will dry periods promote root growth, they will also ensure that the plants get a good watering and at no point, become over watered, or locked out with nutrients. Some growers who use coco and drip lines can either water multiple times a day in small amounts, or will do one large flood feed every 48 hours, depending on how fast the grow medium dries out.
My top tip here is to encourage dry periods for up to one day. Unless you have mastered the art of stacking high E.C levels via drip lines, you can run the risk of over watering your plants, weighing the roots down, encouraging bad bacteria that prefer a non-oxygenated environment, as well as discouraging aerobic bacteria which are the good force you want to be present.
Tip 4 - Using Enzymes Consistently
One of the main things I love to do when growing at home is to use enzymes. The job of enzymes is to break down any substrate and totally clean out the root zone and growing medium. By combining enzymes with your nutrient solution, you will quickly speed up the breaking down and uptake of your nutrients, as well have optimal plant health.
Enzymes are an excellent way to clean your growing medium and when used from start until finish, it can be very hard for any residual salts to be left over, especially when used during the 14-day flushing period.
My top tip here is to use multiple brands of enzymes when making a nutrient solution. I personally like to use a combination of Powerzyme from HESI, Cannazyme from Canna and Sensizym from Advanced Nutrients at 3ml per litre of each. During the final 14 days of flushing, the measurement will increase to 5ml per litre of each enzyme, with only plain water.
Tip 5 - Check Your E.C and pH
If you are new to growing, then it can easily fall into the trap the more nutrients you add and feed, will result in a much superior producing plant. The truth is this will only affect the final outcome of your flowers, resulting in a harsh, unpleasant smoke that makes you cough every time you breathe.
What is more important is making sure the pH of your water source is spot on, and your E.C levels are not too high or too low. My top tip here is to buy a pH and E.C test pen and make sure you have a digital reading of both. The nutrient uptake of a Cannabis plant will be largely decided by the pH of the water source and can be the difference between nutrient lockout.