Pharmaciesin Uruguay to Retail Three Types of Cannabis in 2016

Soft Secrets
07 Dec 2015

Halfway through next year, residents of Uruguay may buy weed for a dollar per gram

Halfway through next year, residents of Uruguay may buy weed for a dollar per gram

On Saturday, December 5, the National Drug Board announced that Uruguayans will be able to choose from three varieties of state-sanctioned medical Cannabis when the product is retailed in pharmacies next year. Milton Romani, president of the board, told Reuters that "there will be three options with indications about the effects of each that point beginners toward starting with the lowest level" of the plant's psychoactive components, known as cannabinoids. Romani declined to name the three soon-to-be-retailed strains, although he claimed that the government had developed genetically-identifiable genotypes that would be traceable and, therefore, unable to be secreted out of the country or placed on the black market. The three varieties will contain varying levels and ratios of cannabinoids such as THC and cannabidiol (CBD). Different cannabinoids impart specific therapeutic, medicinal and recreational effects on the human body; also, each patient is different and even two patients suffering from the same illness may require completely opposite therapies when seeking the correct medical marijuana strain. Towards the end of 2013, Uruguay became the first nation in the world to legalize Cannabis in terms of possession, consumption, cultivation and distribution. Several of the main reasons behind legalization include the government's attempt to generate revenue via taxation, but also harm reduction in terms of safe access and regulation, in addition to decreasing the power of drug gangs and cartels. Residents will be permitted to purchase up to around forty grams of Cannabis per month, which will cost around a dollar per gram. Thus far, the government has granted professional cultivation permits to only two companies, but around 3,200 citizens have been registered as personal cultivators.  
Soft Secrets