Science Explains: What Actually Happens to the Brain on Marijuana?
AsapSCIENCE explains on YouTube exactly what happens to your brain when you ingest marijuana
AsapSCIENCE explains on YouTube exactly what happens to your brain when you ingest marijuana
SOURCE: AUTHOR: Stephen C. Webster It's a cultural zeitgeist in America that "your brain on drugs" is a brutish, violent experience that produces nothing but euphoria at the moment at the expense of the user's future. But science is a bit more nuanced than that. The increasingly popular YouTube account AsapSCIENCE has carried some pretty interesting content since it launched, but yesterday's update might be the best one yet. The explanation is so simple and concise, it could actually go a long way to dispelling some of the popular myths about why people sometimes act a little strange when they're smoking the stufff. [caption id="attachment_31205" align="alignnone" width="800"] @vilahaze, Grower @ertaverd, Photographer[/caption] In less than three minutes, they explain exactly what happens to your brain when you ingest marijuana. It's all quite educational, but strikes a good balance by not coming off as preachy or annoying. Some of the account's other quickie science injections include explanations of why orgasms feel so good, which comic book superhero powers might be plausible, and why music induces a drug-like state.
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