McDonald’s Billboard and Our Marijuana Reality

Soft Secrets
21 Jun 2017
Recreational marijuana use may still be illegal in New Mexico but that hasn’t stopped one clever McDonald’s franchise from strategically placing an intriguing billboard near the Colorado / New Mexico border. Pandering to the soon-to-be famished road warriors headed for the Colorado state line and the legal weed that awaits them, a chronic tweet of a creative billboard near Raton, N.M. lit up social media over the weekend. “Usually when you roll something this good, it’s illegal!” Referencing Colorado’s legal marijuana market, the bold billboard left more than a few weary travelers wondering whether it was a political statement or just clever marketing. Either way, according to KRQE, the dope billboard “has people laughing and many saying its placement is key.” The billboard jokingly emphasizes the costly dividing line between the dark days of marijuana prohibition and America’s new reality – legal marijuana. SOURCE
Soft Secrets