Fox News Dr.: ‘Crack Babies’ Come from Women ‘Smoking This Whole Marijuana Business’

Soft Secrets
28 Feb 2015

Pot found to be less dangerous than all common recreational drugs, including alcohol, cigarettes

Pot found to be less dangerous than all common recreational drugs, including alcohol, cigarettes

Dr. David Samadi speaks to Fox News [Credit: Screen Grab]

SOURCE: RawStory
AUTHOR: David Edwards

Fox News Medical A-Team member Dr. David Samadi asserted over the weekend that "crack babies" were caused by women "smoking this whole marijuana business."

On the Saturday edition of Fox & Friends, host Clayton Morris reported that a recent study published in Scientific Reports found that marijuana was less dangerous than any other common recreational drug, including alcohol and cigarettes.

"I think it's a very dangerous study," Samadi argued. "People need to be very careful about not getting the wrong message from this study. They're using a lethal dose as a comparison. For example, they're putting pot against or weed against cocaine or alcohol. We know you need less amount of alcohol to die. So, they're using death to see what's dangerous and what's not."

"They're extrapolating a lot of these animal studies and surveys that doesn't make a lot of sense and coming with this whole thing that pot is safer," the doctor insisted. "Absolutely not. It's a huge fraud."

Samadi warned that marijuana could cause memory loss, mood changes and psychosis.

"It actually causes heart attacks," he added. "It increases your heart rate. And on and on."

"We're seeing in Colorado that we had 13 kids that came to the emergency [room] and ended up in the ICU as a result of overdose from marijuana," Samadi said. "Now we have crack babies coming in because pregnant women are smoking this whole marijuana business."

The Fox News Medical A-Team doctor concluded by calling medical marijuana "the biggest scam I've ever seen."

"I challenge any doctors, come to my Facebook, convince me how this is healthy for you. I'm 100 percent against this."


Soft Secrets