Finding Your Guerilla Garden Again

Soft Secrets
19 Apr 2019
It would be a shame if you lost a summer crop because you couldn’t find the way back. Don’t laugh – it happens all the time. I lost my first guerilla crop for about ten minutes. It wasn’t a good beginning. Since then I’ve taken steps to make sure my garden (and myself) don’t get lost. The location should be remote enough to keep attentive eyes from finding and possibly reporting the crop. The rule of thumb is to plant in a place where you can’t see any roads, cars or houses. Always plant pointed to the south, which is a sun-on area for most of the day. Cannabis comes from tropical areas, which means they need lots of sunlight. Most growers like to place their crop in an off the trail place. It is recommended that a walk of a few minutes into the area that is going to be planted be adhered to. Find the way back to the trail again by dropping large painted stones along the way. Use a bright color. Keep dropping stones, with the general rule being that if the last stone cannot be seen for a few steps, drop another stone. This breadcrumb approach is the simplest way to navigate in a very wild area. If there is dense foliage that blocks the line of sight on the ground, place the colored stone in a tree branch where it bifurcates. Be sure to use an outdoor paint so your rocks won’t lose their color in the rain. Other ways are to mark the trees or bushes in a way that makes it easy to understand that that is the way to go. If there are no large trees in the area, you might want to tie a sapling in a knot. Another thing you can do is gather some long grass and tie that in a knot. Be creative and realistic and the crop will never be lost.
Soft Secrets