Colorado Girl Scouts: No, We Don't Want Cookies Sold Outside Pot Shops
Danielle Lei sold 117 boxes of cookies in two hours when she set up outside the Green Cross
Danielle Lei sold 117 boxes of cookies in two hours when she set up outside the Green Cross
[Credit:] |
AUTHOR: David Ferguson
The Girl Scouts of America and Girl Scouts of Colorado and California issued statements on Friday in response to the story that a 13-year-old scout in San Francisco named Dnielle Lei sold 117 boxes of cookies in two hours when she set up outside the Green Cross medical marijuana dispensary.
Dana Allen, Director of Marketing and Communications of the Girls Scouts of Northern California said, "To date, we have not attempted to list either ‘permitted' or ‘prohibited' locations and have relied on parents and volunteers to make wise decisions for their girls. As always, we evaluate our policies and procedures at the end of each cookie sale and will consider whether further guidelines will be beneficial regarding booth site selection."
The Los Angeles Times reported that Girl Scouts of Colorado - where recreational use of marijuana recently became legal - issued a series of messages on the social medium Twitter that read, "Consistent with our policy for many years now, @GSColo doesn't allow girls to sell cookies outside of any adult-oriented business."
The statement continued, "This includes bars, strip clubs, casinos, liquor stores or marijuana dispensaries. We recognize these are legitimate businesses, but we don't feel they are an appropriate place for girls to be selling cookies in Colo."
Kelly Parisi, chief communications officer from Girl Scouts of the USA told the Times that there is no set policy at this time and that regional chapters are allowed to form their own rules about cookie sales.
"All the money stays in local councils, and they make all decisions on how the cookie program is run," Parisi said in a statement. "As always, our primary concern is the safety and well-being of the girls we serve. Volunteers and parents are empowered to relocate their booths if conditions change and the location is no longer suitable."