Cannabis for Healthy Skin

Soft Secrets
02 Jun 2014

Cannabis is well known for its internal medicinal uses but it also presents an excellent topical treatment for skin conditions.

Cannabis is well known for its internal medicinal uses but it also presents an excellent topical treatment for skin conditions.

Joints close to the skin can be soothed with topical Cannabis salve applications

The largest organ in our bodies is our skin. This outer layer of cells forms a cocoon to maintain a constant internal environment that enables the processes of life to occur within. The permeability of our skin allows necessary chemicals and nutrients to enter. Internal moisture and temperature are maintained - our internal ocean to duplicate the ocean out of which our evolutionary ancestors evolved. Medicines applied topically can be absorbed to target illness inside the body. Our skin is also an organ of elimination; many toxic substances are removed from the body this way.

Cannabis is a medicine that is also beneficial for the skin. We often think of Cannabis for neurological complaints and there are many neurological processes that can create skin symptoms. An example of this relationship is what occurs when a person becomes embarrassed and unconsciously blushes, often accompanied by a warm feeling. This uncontrolled release of histamine increases the flow of blood to the skin's surface, demonstrating a direct connection between our nervous system and our skin.

Some people have skin that is more sensitive than others, relative to the state of their nervous system. These people get a rash or a skin irritation when they are experiencing stressful states in their lives. Most people know that stress can create a rash in otherwise healthy skin. Patients with skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis will also report an exacerbation of symptoms when experiencing periods of physical or emotional stress.

As an organ of elimination, skin can form pustules from the excretion of hormones during adolescents. Dietary indiscretions also are eliminated through the skin. Many teenagers will report serious cases of acne but will be unable to determine if it is their raging hormones or the French fries they love to eat at lunchtime. Women also experience skin eruptions in association with their menstrual cycle - or is the chocolate they crave during that time of the month responsible?

Cannabis Salve Throughout History

Cannabis has been used as a topical medication for the skin for longer than mankind has records. All parts of the plant have been used to heal: flowers, stems, stalks and roots. Nicholas Culpeper, the famous 17th century physician and herbalist, noted that the root can be boiled and the solution applied for relief of gout pain, knotted joints, tight and painful muscles, and specifically, pain in the hip. Culpeper also mentions that the fresh root, mixed with butter and oil, is good for burns.

Cannabis is used today as a topical medicine for most skin complaints. The plant offers natural anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties when applied to the skin and is thus often made into salves, lotions and ointments. These preparations are used for infections (when the skin is not bleeding), rash, itching and pruritus. For muscle and joint pain, Cannabis preparations are rubbed into the skin. The pains of arthritis can also respond well to Cannabis salve. These preparations work best for joints that are located near the skin, for example, in the hands and feet.

Cannabis is also used to treat the conditions of eczema and psoriasis. These autoimmune conditions definitely have a neurological connection and internally-administered Cannabis is helpful as well. Cannabis applied topically has been shown to encourage the regeneration of the tissue that facilitates and speeds the healing process of the lesions created by these and other skin conditions.

The whole plant can be used to make a skin salve

How to Make Cannabis Salve

Cannabis salve is a good medication to have at home in your medicine cabinet or first aid kit. A container of the salve can be kept in the kitchen for immediate application to cooking injuries.

A salve is easy to prepare yourself. Begin with coconut oil to use as carrier oil for the active ingredients in Cannabis trichomes. Pour two cups of the coconut oil into a sauce pan.

Put two cups of crushed Cannabis into a separate pan. It is not necessary to use flowers; leaves and stems may be used and if roots are available, those can also be included. Each part of the plant has a slightly different effect upon the body. Heat the Cannabis in the pan at 190º F for fifteen to twenty minutes, to toast and decarboxylate the plant matter. Do not burn it!

Immediately pour this prepared Cannabis into the coconut oil and heat gently, almost to the point of simmering, for between forty-five and sixty minutes. A double boiler can also be used, if one is available.

After heating for approximately an hour, pour and filter the mixture through cheese cloth. Squeeze the cloth into a ball around the cooked plant material in order to remove as much oil as possible.

Cannabis extract ready for mixing with beeswax

Next, melt an eighth of a cup (28 grams) of beeswax in a pan or double boiler. Combine the beeswax with two thirds of a cup (140 grams) of the canna-coconut oil that was made. One tablespoon of vitamin E oil can be added, if desired. Fragrances can also be used, such as lavender, clary sage or ylang-ylang. For example, the addition of cinnamon oil will contribute 'heat' to the Cannabis salve to soothe aching muscles. Eucalyptus oil will be invigorating and may help to relieve a headache when rubbed on the temples.

Transfer the salve to smaller containers before it hardens. The salve can be stirred and fluffed as it solidifies; this will allow it to melt and be applied more easily.

There are reports on the Internet of Cannabis oil being used to effectively treat skin cancer. These reports are anecdotal and not verified; therefore, one should be cautious when considering this approach. Undiluted Cannabis or hash oil has also been used to treat serious skin conditions. This can be expensive and the potency may be irritating for some.

Cannabis salve is a home remedy that belongs in everyone's medicine chest. It is simple to prepare and convenient to use. When made properly, the leftover canna-coconut oil can be used in preparing delicious coconut macaroons.


Soft Secrets