Berlin's Holiday Hemp-Infused Edible Tickets

Stephen Andrews
27 Dec 2021

Berliners had a rare privilege over the last two weeks. Berlin's public transit authority introduced hemp-infused tickets over the holiday season for its commuters. Made of edible paper and drizzled with hemp oil from hemp seeds, the tickets were billed to help relax over last-minute Christmas shopping, which sometimes can indeed be stressful.

The Berliner Verkehrbetriebe (BVG) began advertising the special hemp tickets two weeks before Christmas. BVG manages all public transport in the city, including the U-Bahn, tram, and bus lines. 

Daily tickets sold by the BVG are valid for 24 hours and can be used on the territory of the German capital. The hemp version of the ticket cost €8.80 ($9.94) and was a limited edition of 100,000 samples. 

When the tickets were launched, BVG spokesman Jannes Schwentu told Reuters: "We do make very clear that anyone who wants to use the ticket as an actual ticket, please only nibble on it or eat it after your journey as if it has a bite out of it, it is no longer valid." 

BVG said the tickets were infused with hemp oil from seeds, and do not contain any cannabinoids such as CBD or THC. Entirely legal, and 100% organic! The hemp oil used for the infusion was supplied by VAAY, a German wellbeing brand in the ownership of the Berlin-based start-up Sanity Group. 

BVG launched its hemp tickets with hopes to take the stress out of holiday travel around the city. It has been hugely successful cannabis publicly stunt, unrelated to the new German government which has on its agenda to legalize cannabis for adult use and help the country become one of the biggest legal markets in Europe

A video of the campaign was released on YouTube and since going public on December 13, it has generated almost 2 million views. 

You can watch the video below. Even better if you do know some German!

Happy holidays everyone, or as they say in Germany, Frohe Festtage!

Stephen Andrews