Bio Nova

Soft Secrets
21 Dec 2015

Three Bio Nova Ways to Succes

The Basic Method… Yes, it can be this simple, by using just 2 products

The A & B system for all inert or artificial substrates: • Nutri-Forte A & B in equal amounts for rockwool and similar substrates • Coco-Forte A & B in equal amounts for coco fibre Or the SuperMixes: • Soil-SuperMix for soil or field use • Hydro-SuperMix with drip emitters on soil or on any other growing medium

• NFT-Aqua-SuperMix in systems without growing medium. • LongFlower-SuperMix in all systems, for plants that feature a long flowering period • Use PK 13-14 combined with ALL SuperMixes during flowering period

The Dedicated Way… add 4 more products:

Add your selection of the following products to the basics listed above: • BioRoots when planting or re-planting for optimal root protection and development. • BN-Zym to break down plant waste material into uptakable elements. • TML, The Missing Link for incredible health and a fast working immune system. • X-ceL Booster…the #1 booster, ready to be combined with all or any of the above to boost yield as well as quality of any treated crop.

These four products on their own or combined increase your possibilities and bring immediate rewards. The plants benefit and you learn. Increased understanding brings deeper insight into the needs of your plants. Because you can grow smarter, your yield improves in every way.

The Professional Way…Taking it to yet another level:

If you are on a never ending quest for quality and quantity, or want to experiment with special cultivars: Use the full range of products in combination with all of the above. Use P 20 and K 20 instead of PK 13-14 for a more accurate response to the needs of the plant. Use the main elements as single fertilizers like Nitrogen, Phosphor and Potassium (K) as well as Calcium and Magnesium, to tweak your fertilizer solution to your own standards and insights on your specific plant’s immediate needs.

MicroMix, a combination of trace elements, CitricAcid to add carbohydrates; FreeFlow, SprayMix, AlgaeMix and Vitrasol, all organic additives, even more products for the professional to choose from… Of course, with such a diverse line of products, the possibilities are endless. Combinations of the three Bio Nova Ways are possible for those who want to experiment. Your Green Companion in every way      

Soft Secrets